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My Big Castle Mod


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I already thought of bandit attacks, and I plan to implement it at some point in the future, though there's lots of more important things first.


What's with your slaughterfish obsession? (i saw you post in the crusoe mod thread) The garden is supposed to be a calm, relaxing place, not a place to fight. That's what the arena will be for.



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I already thought of bandit attacks, and I plan to implement it at some point in the future, though there's lots of more important things first.


What's with your slaughterfish obsession? (i saw you post in the crusoe mod thread) The garden is supposed to be a calm, relaxing place, not a place to fight. That's what the arena will be for.




I dont know, when i was in morrowind, I killed them constantly, and it was fun. maybe you could have a practice pond, where you try and kill as many slaughterfish as you can in five minutes that would be cool, and it doesnt have to be slaughter fish (they are just fun to kill) it could be humans, anything except skeletons and goblins.

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@Vulture:Ah. Sick of skeletons and goblins too.


I hate skeletons. Because they have no flesh, they're not very satisfying to hit.


And goblins are too small. I will have none of either in the arena.


Progress Report


Omegano made an excellent script that fixed lots of bugs in the mannequins.


GBHis and Omegano collaborated to make a weather changing console on top of the tower. The effects are awesome, and I'm sure everyone will love it.


GBHis also made the script that allows changing of the castle name


For my part, I have added the paddock, a pond and a records room to store title deeds. I also put collision boxes on top of the tower so you dont fall off when getting up from the Viewing Throne.


Far more importantly, I have now made 22 guards, a guard captain, a blacksmith and a bartender. The logistics of doing AI for so many guards makes things go slow, but i hope to finish another 4 tonight.


Estimated time til release: 7-10 days



There. Thought it was about time I updated everyone. I'm sure almost everyone who reads that will find out something they weren't aware of.



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tower? there's a tower? whoa, I must hav missed a version! oh, well ill get the final one and be surprised. Will the non-guard NPCs hav unique names too?
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Of course. The tower was there from the start. In the east corridor, at the opposite end from the door to the battlements, keep going past the throne room and round the corner, you'll see a portal.


But you can only go through if you have disabled borders. Check the readme for a detailed guide on how. It's kinda complicated but the view is well worth it.


Please have a look.



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Of course. The tower was there from the start. In the east corridor, at the opposite end from the door to the battlements, keep going past the throne room and round the corner, you'll see a portal.


But you can only go through if you have disabled borders. Check the readme for a detailed guide on how. It's kinda complicated but the view is well worth it.


Please have a look.




I just checked it out pretty cool, already had the borders disabled for another mod.



oh, and when will the arena be up and running?

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Fight, of course. I hadn't even thought of adding watchable fights. The main idea is to fight yourself.


I have a few cool ideas for fights too.


A giant crab


A huge gang of unarmed prisoners with 1 hp each (stress reliever)


A group of heavily armored knights


A few more giant creatures. not quite sure yet.

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