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My Big Castle Mod


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I applaud the attempt at originality, but I don't like it. Sorry.



1. The dragon, on both shield and cuirass is too small


2. The green metal parts just look wrong. I saw the upclose and I can see they're meant to look like dragonskin. but... I just don't like the idea.


3. On the cuirass, the dragon is contained in a little bubble. This is not at all what I wanted. The dragon should be printed directly onto the armor


4. The armor is textured. As in it has the padded surface. This will cause problems if the dragon is printed directly onto it, so use the flat textures instead.



A dark color could work though.


Could you try making 2 different cuirasses, one in dull white and one in black, and print the dragon (larger) onto both. With original, but slightly polished metal shoulderplates


As for the shield, EDIT: I've decide. Use the mythril shield mesh.


Also, could you put haslador's original pic into a painting. The very first dragon he painted. The blue one. It would look good in the gallery. There are a few spots in there that I just put in placeholders because I ran out of real pictures.


Thank you.




PS: The archer platform is perfect. Can you email me the texture (I'll PM you my email address.)


I have to go to bed for college now. No more on the castle til tomorrow.


EDIT: Insomnia. No sleep tonight. Guess I'll do more work on the castle.

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I think you should keep the helm green, make the dragon go from end to end of the shield, and make the rest of it black.



Also for the amor try black and white with the dragon on both sides :)


I think that would look good.


Im back again lol me and Paulo_Minty been talking about for the amor and shield and helm we think you should make the out fit a plug in with a option of 5 diferent ones.


Give the player some feeling of makeing it own way but limited.


This way if they like want the green one they can and so forth, just like the painting mod you sujested.


But of course you would have the one you would pick for a standerd so they dont even have to have one if they dont want to.



pm me if you like the idea warkirby


EDIT: You double posted again. As I told you before, please don't. Use the edit button.


- Switch

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It's an interesting idea, but no.




The primary reaason is that making 5 different outfis means a hell of a lot more work for cotel.




Secondly, even if he did decide to do it, the time factor. The textures are already estimated to take the longest, and we'll be lucky not to see the next release delayed while waiting for cotel to finish




I have recieved literally hundreds of requests for 'When is the next update coming out?' 'Hurry up.' etc.


I can't afford to make the fans wait any longer





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@Sleaaels: While I do appreciate your eagerness to help, the castle is not ready for teasting yet.


Watch this space, I will post here when It's time.




Ah must have miss read somewhere, np, just as well because work projects got in the way. Yeah I'll check out this post from time to time, and perhaps if your lacking in testers just pm me as i may not read this post then.

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Ok, Here the version 2 of the guard. Do you like it (I will work a bit on the shield and on the cuirass logo) ?


And for the version 1, if you want you can use it for something else ( like for example an armor used by a combattant in the arena)

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It looks pretty good, but there are a few minor problems




1. There's no dragon on the shield? I never said to remove that, did I? Please put dragon on shield too. the reason I chose that shield is it's wide shape which is bettter for putting the Dragon on.


2. The cuirass seems to blend in with the shoulder pads. You seem to have made it silver? Could you make the two parts more contrasted?


3. That screenshot is too small, and not the greatest angle. Could you post a few more higher res screens from different angles? If you can't post them due to space restrictions then you could just email me the pics.


4. The belt looks too dark, like it has no texture. But maybe the light's not on it properly... Like I said. More screens please.




Also, I'm very sorry I forgot to mention it before, but the guards do not wear helmets. It's to give them more individuality. Texturing helmets is a waste of your time. I'm sorry I forgot to mention it before.




Looking good though.





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For the shield it is impossible to put the picture on it because the logo is not symectrict . The mithril shield is cut in two part and the left part and the right part are the same.


Personaly i think it can look good without logo but if you really want the logo you need an other shield.


For the helmet, maybe i can do it and some guards will wear it and some wont. Even if they are only 2-3 guards (maybe those near the throne) that wear it, it can be good.


For the silver shoulder, what should i change ? Do you want me to change the shoulder or the cuirass ? And how do you want me to change it ?


(sorry for my bad english)


For the hasaldor painting it wont be a problem, I'll do it after the guard armor. I can also modify some of the castle screenshot to make it look like a painting so if you want an art gallery full of pictures you can send me screenshot that i can put a ''painting'' effect on it. So we can have a painting of the tower, of the castle, of the guard captain.


What do you think of my idea to use the first armor that I did (and all the armor parts that do not fit for the guard) for differents combattants in the arena. It would be nice to fight NPC with unique armor, even if it is only a simple retexturing.

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1+2: Shield. Okay, I'll pick a different one. Are there any other shields which work like this so I can avoid them?




3: No helmets. The guards don't wear them




4: I'm not sure what you should change beacuse I don't have enough information. Can you post more screens in higher resolution from different angles please. From that info though, I'd say make the cuirass less silver and more white.


Could you also make a black variant? change the color of the cloth to black but leave everything else as it is? Black armor could be brilliant but I need to actually see it on the guards.




5: Screenshots as paintings? Sounds cool. I'll take a few,




6: I think that idea is brilliant and I will use it, but the arena won't be made until after this update so it will take awhile yet

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