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My Big Castle Mod


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Progress has been going a bit slower than I would have liked. College is getting in the way, but I should still be able to finish on schedule.




Progress Report




Implemented Cotel's archer platforms all across the battlements. Learnt how to put textures on models in the process. Deceptively simple.




Also made 3 more guards, bringing the total up to 30/37. Hopefully release this weekend :D








@GBHis: If you can't make the Finger of Pointing work then just leave it, but I really need the Loyal gurds and that ringscript this week.

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Ok I do not have a lot of time right now, but Ill take other screenies this week. I have to go to school me to ;). For the shield I'll check wich shield I can, but for now the ''largest'' shield that I have found is a round shield, but maybe I can create a new one in blender.
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Implemented the Loyalty script. now you'll be anle to beat your uber guadrs to a pulp and they wont't do anything to fight back.




I' m just back from college and starting work for today. My aim is to finish another 3 guards by 10pm




Intriguingly, this is post no. 256. Hope Dark0ne has allocated more than 8 bits to the number of replies.





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:D :D :D :D :D


I finished all the guards. Yay!


I still need to do the AI for the guard captain, blacksmith and bartender and then it will be ready for testing. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow.


I won't be releasing it until Cotel's finished with the textures though. I'm determined to have the dragon uniforms for v1.5


Also, I need that ringscript GBHis. Not immediately, but fairly soon.


I'm gonna go get breakfast now.



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