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My Big Castle Mod


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I have some homework from school. Sorry. Aaand after that's done, I need to finish some Serpent work.


This *could* make slight changes to fps. I'll explain when I come with an updated version :)

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I just worked how the CS works im in a middle of making somthing for my personal use and i would lik to know how you can open gates as in like the main doors in this castle, but can you let me know in simple words cos im still getting to know all the buttons ;D
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finally got Oblivion working, who knew Elysian Estate conflicted with Kumiko manor.



so that means i can test the mod, so just PM me, when you need it tested. :D

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Paulo_Minty wrote


I just worked how the CS works im in a middle of making somthing for my personal use and i would lik to know how you can open gates as in like the main doors in this castle, but can you let me know in simple words cos im still getting to know all the buttons ;D


Go to the world objects category and select the doors subcategory. Only some of the doors here will physically open when activated. I don't know if there's an easy way to tell whiich though. I just used trial and eror.


Generally, if you want a door to be opening, rather than just teleporting you between cells, pick one which has a complete model, as many doors have only half a model. Since they never open in game, you never needed to see the other side.



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I've uploaded the beta for testing. My part for this update is complete bar bugfixing.




Before the public release, I need the guard uniforms and banners from Cotel




And the ringscript from GBHis.






I'll work on the armor this weekend. If we do not need a new mesh shield it should be ready this weekend, if we need a new mesh shield maybe it will take more time for the shield.

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so when will this be totally finished then??? looking forward to this :)
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who knows when this will be completely finished, but not anytime soon.


I e-mailed my bug report to you Warkirby.


I never found the weather console though.


love the sanctum.


and great job on the guards



and the uhh..*cough* massive swimming pool *cough*

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