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My Big Castle Mod


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I kinda like dralon.


I'm tired so I'm signing off now. I'll think about the name tonight and I will make a start on the exterior tomorrow. Once that's done, only a little more decoration (tapestries, paintings etc.) and a fix for the mannequin problem and the castle will be ready for release. I would set a date, but given my history with setting deadlines, I'm gonna have to say that It'll be ready when its ready.


But it should be soon



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Progress Report.


I finished the exterior. It's pretty cool.

There are only a few minor details to fix now:


1. My secret door is broken. A couple of pages back, GBHis posted a script to fix the door. It looked pretty sound but it didn't work. The script is below


don't have the CS/Oblivion here, but this is what I would have done:


The script for the secret door:

Your room/door is hidden behind an empty bookcase/wall. When you activate a certain book, the bookcase disappears, thus revealing your room/door. Create a referrer to the bookcase/wall piece.

This is pseudocode. It looks much like VBscript (I like that), so you'll have to "convert" some of it.


scriptname secretdooropening //find a name you like


ref PoorBookcase

short DoorIsOpened


Begin OnActivate

PoorBookcase = "WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer"

if (DoorIsOpened == 0) then

PoorBookcase.disable // removes the bookcase from the world

DoorIsOpened = 1


PoorBookcase.enable // puts it back in, blocking the door. How rude.

DoorIsOpened = 0

end if

msgbox "A rumbling sound is heard in the distance..." //or is it messagebox? Can't remember





I substituted poorbookcase for the edtor ID of my secret door. On the second line beginning poorbookcase the script editor told me 'Missing function 'poorbookcase''


can anyone make this script work.


2. My mannequins aren't working. I think I may have found the solution. I'm gonna try merging the castle plugin with the mannequins plugin tonight. If that doesn't work however I will upload the initial release with out the mannequins and add them later when I can make them work.


3. Some minor decoration- ie tapestries and paintings. Also minor furniture like cabinets and shelves with silverware.


4. The front gate won't open. this is because I used one of those huge spiky gates you find inside planes of oblivion. The ones that say 'this gate is opened elsewhere' when activated. Can someone tell me how to modify the script so that the gates will simply open when activated? In the meantime I'll use a placeholder


5. The castle still doesn't have a name. It is simply called 'My Castle'. Maybe it will never have a name.



You will need the paintings and tapestries mod to have the art gallery display properly. The castle will work fine without it, but the gallery won't look anything like I intended, and as a result it might look rubbish.


The main garden will not be in the initial release but the front entrance has a nice garden to give you a taste of what to expect. The arena won't be in the initial release because I really have no clue what I'm doing in that area. It would be helpful if someone could send me a copy of the script that controls the imperial arena with detailed comments explaining what each part does. You would get your name in the credits.


The staff will not be in the initial relese but they will be the first thing I start work on for second release. The castle is HUGE and its gonna take several hours just to lay down pathgrids. Not to mention configuing the AI packages.


To GBHis: If you're still up for doing the books PM me with an address and I'll email the text to you. Don't expect an immediate reply though because I haven't written them yet.


Finally- i added spellmaking and enchanting alters to the library as I thought they would be useful


First release will definately be this week.



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5. The castle still doesn't have a name. It is simply called 'My Castle'. Maybe it will never have a name.




STILL!!!! oh well here goes nothin



Castle Strador


Castle Therrien


Castle Akatosh


Da Castle (just kidding)


Castle Dranathor


Castle Karikan


Castle Szalor

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Good news and bad news.



I merged with the mannequins and it works almost perfectly. Basically I had to break the posing functions to allow placement in my museum. I'll try to fix it when I learn more about scripts. In the meantime, the mannequins will display equipment just fine, but they won't pose at all.



A low res, non solid hill appeared in my courtyard. It's definately nothing to do with the mannequins though. I created a seperate thread entitled 'Strange bug in my mod' to request assistance. If you can offer any insight, please by all means post there.


If I can't get it fixed I suppose I could release the mod with that bug as It is only a visual thing, but I would really rather fix it.


I'm not really sure what is going on but one way or another the castle will be released this week. Hill or no hill.



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After tring and failing repeatedly to fix the hill. I've found the cause but no solution.


Apparently It's an LOD landscape that was formerly buried but uncovered by my terrain editing.


I have, however come up with a way to get around the problem. I'm going to elevate the whole exterior of the castle to rebury the LOD piece. This will take a few hours but I should still be able to release it tomorrow.


Wish me luck



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Reworked the script. This should fit nicely into Oblivion. As I said before, the other one was just the logic behind it, not a working script.

ScriptName WarKirbySecretDoorOpening

BEGIN OnActivate
If ( "WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer".GetDisabled == 0 )
 messagebox "A rumbling sound is heard in the distance...", "OK"
 messagebox "A light sound of a bell rings through the hallways of the castle.", "OK"
End If

When removing the bookcase it will (hopefully) display a messagebox like this:


| A rumbling sound is heard in the distance... |






Instructions (I don't know how much scripting you know, so this is plain, as close to the ground as it can get.):


1. Place your bookcase in the castle interiour. In the middle of the hall, if you want to.


2. Double-click your bookcase. See the empty field called "EditorID" ?

Type in {WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer} there. Without brackets, of course.

Press apply, save, confirm, done, whatever it says at the bottom of the form/window.


3. Create a new book. Press the [...] and put in my script. Be sure to choose "Object" in the upper right part of the window. Save it. Do NOT press "Compile all." Click the X in the upper right corner. A dialog box asking:

"Do you want to replace the current script?



[Yes] [No/Cancel]"

Click yes. Now your script should be attached to the book. You can either have the book as an object (Which you can pick up) or as an activator. I would go for activator.


4. Place the activator/book/object/what-am-I-to-call-it in the castle. Close to the bookcase, so you won't have to run forth and back all the time.


5. Time for testing!!

Go test it. Your bookcase should dis/re-appear when you activate the book.

Be sure to give me some feedback on the script. (Error messages, if any,)


Happy modding,



PS: If you put it on a book that should be picked up, put this script instead:

ScriptName WarKirbySecretDoorOpening

BEGIN OnActivate
If ( "WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer".GetDisabled == 0 )
 messagebox "A rumbling sound is heard in the distance...", "OK"
 messagebox "A light sound of a bell rings through the hallways of the castle.", "OK"
End If

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Thanks but I actually worked it out from your previous post. Although I have no experience with Oblivion scripting, I am moderately familiar with Pascal and Visual Basic so i have basic programming knowledge to fall back on.




The castle is out. Get it here:



I just realised that I never tested to see if the book I wrote turned out OK. And I never tested to see if you could access the battlements. Damn. Childish mistakes.


Well. Whats done is done. Enjoy my work and post bug reports here.


Also If anyone has suggestions on how to improve the castle, like if certain rooms are too big or too small or over decorated or too spartan. Well you get the idea. Also ideas for completely new features would be accepted if they are doable.


I will hopefully check this board tomorrow and if any catastrophic errors turn up, i can make a quick emergency fix.


I think the sonic shoes might be too fast. They are a little surprise I added at the last minute.


Thank you to anyone who downloads it. I will be reviewing reactions to the castle for a few days before I start on making AI's to populate it.



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This sounds promising, i'll definately try it, keep up the good work! Hey don't feel to pressured to release it if your not happy with it, I'd rather wait for a week then have it semi good.
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