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My Big Castle Mod


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I'm not sure. Best to remove it first anyway. There's a mod on tessource called bag of holding that allows you to carry infinite stuff. Use it to transport your stuff while you switch versions.


Using godmode (TGM) works too.

Good luck with updating your mod! I'll go update mine... It's a quest mod, so no competition ;)

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Thanks povuholo. You just gave me a great idea. which I will not be revealing just now.




Anyway. I've decided to reveal some info on the arena.




The arena will have 2 main modes.

  • Free battle allows you to choose a battle and dive in. We plan around 40 free battles.
  • Tournament is a series of battles based arounfd a certain theme, or under a certain condition. You cannot leave the bloodworks between battles.

I'm trying to keep the combatants secret. But inevitably some things leak out. Anyway. I will state the following. There will be no goblins or skeletons. There will be samurai and ninjas. And Mehrunes Dagon.




Those who have been watching my posts might have picked up on the fact that there will be more than one arena. I won't tell how many or what they're for though. But I'm doing my damndest to make them impressive.




My penchant for scale will be present in full force too. I always thought the IC arena was too small. So mine is 8x the size. I made the crowd louder to fill the bigger arena too.




There aren't enough big monsters in vanilla oblivion. That will be fixed, I assure you.




Also, you will probably be able to watch and bet on fights, But it's not 100% yet.




The arena will be suitable for all players to a degree, but it's really aimed at more powerful players. I'd recommend at least level 20 if you want to accomplish much there. And there will be Some super challenges for the players who are lv 50 and have nothing left to kill.




The only area the arena is set to fall short in is prizes. I Simply can't think of enough cool stuff to spread over all those battles on my own. I need original ideas fro you guys. Send ideas to: [email protected]




Thank you for reading,





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will the arena combatants be walking around the castle?


or just around the arena.


p.s the arena should be outside, instead of in the basement.


No. It wouldn't be worth the time and effort, given their tendancy to DIE. There will be new NPC's though, don't worry.




The arena is outside. And it's not. It has a 'magical sky' to give the appearance of being outside while actually being deep underground. It looks good though.





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Dude, can i just say a huge thankyou to you, and all those who helped create such an amazing mod.

As for the arena, it would be cool to have like themed battles - so to speak, team battles. This is just a blank canvas of an idea, but you could have the teams (imperial) vs (Bosmer). Whatever. And another thing, i summoned like 150 marauders outside the castle just for poos and giggles, and i thought it was damn awesome that your guards shot form the walls and downed them relatevly fast, which brings me to the next idea - its kind of out there, but i know you could do something with it :P . Maybe have like scheduled attacks on your castle? If you are in it at the time Caine could come and say 'we are under attack!' and have your guards all fill the front and the walls, and slaughter the attackers. :D heh kinda weird i know, but to me, that would be awesome!


All in all, this is an extremely awesome mod.


Please keep up the good work.

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war i sent you a pm with a list of posable prizez sorry i dident email them i cant rember my pass word to my hotmail ill have it by the end of next week for sure and i found a probley you have 2 guard by the gate one stand stil land one walks the one that walks keept opening and closeign the gate doors shut them a few times as i tryed to get out them lol but i thought i would let you know.
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Sorry, I forgot to ask when I PMd you. If I was on version 1.5 and I never downloaded the broken one, can I skip directly to the 4.4mb version that's up now?

You can got from 1.5 to 1.52 skip the 1.51 (1.51 broken ), but remember to get all your stuff out before you install the new mod


i think WarKirby put 1.52 as the broken one, but he ment to put 1.51 on one of his posts

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