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My Big Castle Mod


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Once the main part is complete (all the guards and the arena) you can put it up as a permanat download after bug fixes. then make plug-ins like what bethsada does. Keeps the main game and adds plug-ins for it.


I tried this already. Horrible things happened when I distributed an ESM. Until I can find out why, that Idea is out of the window.










@Tiberiu: Are you seriously still using version 1? :ohmy:




Version 1.5 is HERE ;)





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Are you seriously still using version 1?




I wanted to download it, I really did, but I got discouraged by the size of the file. Since speed got better on TESSOURCE , and I started palying Oblivion again, ill give this ride a go.


Downloading in process.


And il be able to give feedback too




Edit: Meh I cant belive this. Everything on RIGHT of the page is missing, including the download. Il try again tomorow. (Its almost midnight here and I have school tomorow)

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when you said about deactivating the other esp, can i just delete it or wont it run like that? also i cant seem to download it, tried the link and manual searching and they both dont have the download button on them...
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ahh ill wait, got loads of other things to do atm. lol.
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Thanks for the fix. Its odd that your file is only 4 mb in size, I though it would be 40's. But then I saw tappestrie mod and I understood. The more I think of it, its logical, since theres no custom armors yet :).


The guard captain should wear ebony armor with the custom armor texture attached to it, but just my oppinion. I like ebony full plate style, and dont really like guard/realistic 10 th century style. But w/e not such a big woos. Im downloading now. Good job Warkibby!

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The next version will be a lot bigger. It's unavoidable because it will have quite a few custom textures.


EDIT: I need someone to do some testing. I have reports of conflicts with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and the Unofficial Patch.




Could someone test these with the Castle and report back?







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