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My Big Castle Mod


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I just found out that I made a ridiculous error.


I forgot to put the location of the castle in the readme.


How stupid is that.


Well, It's at the end of the road west from chorrol.


I'll make an emergency fix and release it tomorrow. Please post if any other problems come up.



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i tested the mod, found a bus load of bugs, including the wooden door that leads to a wall. :D



fix those bugs



i cant wait for the finished version thats furnished, and judging by the beds streaming with NPCs




I saw the arena, great idea




anyways, to the reason why im posting


i saw the castle, and the only name that fits it for me is:



Castle Mynaroth



if u dont like it thats fine its just I wont hav anymore names for u so this is the ONE (for me) ;D

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When you finally get around to scripting, and if were planning on having some way of officially making the castle set to be owned by the player. Makes no sense just being able to walk in, say you own everyone and everything. With a little work, you could use a command to allow the player to choose what they want their castle named (similar to the arena champion name thing). They pick from a list, and based on what they pick, the cells get renamed to match. This sort of thing is probably a few months away for you, but I felt that it was worth mentioning, if only to have others pressure you to learning scripting. Technically, you should have had most the basic scripting down before you started adding dozens of rooms. As you start scripting, knowing what you can and cannot do, you can better decide what you want inside. The same applies with NPCs and packaging. Depending on how much scripting you can handle, you could do some pretty cool stuff with this mod, or, you could end up making it just a bland, senseless place to put your stuff.

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i might have some names but the other guy might have said them























so what if they are stupid im tryin to help :(


i have some ideas they might be stupid but here goes

a new guild

spells and weapons vendor

hide a key in garden to secret dungeon

pond for secret entrance into casle

more tomarrow

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First off, I released version 1.20. It's just a small fix. Find it at the same place you downloaded the original. Heres what it does.


1. I put the location of the castle in the readme.


2. I added a wine cellar. Find it behind that door that used to lead nowhere in the kitchen.


3. Added a mapmarker so you can fast travel to the castle


4. Made the player the owner of all the cells so it's no longer stealing to take the stuff inside


Now. To each of your comments.


@The Vulture: 'A bus load of bugs' is not helpful. Tell me what and where. Castle Mynaroth is pretty good.


@Vagrant0: I understand most of the concepts of scripting, and I have experience with Pascal and Visual Basic. I'm really just having trouble memorising commands and formatting.


Your idea about the names is pretty neat. The main problem is coming up with names that will appeal to all. If you have any other ideas as to what sort of neat stuff i could do, please tell me.

PS: Try breaking up your post a little, for readability.

*EDIT* I just noticed you linked to syntax that tells me how to name things with scripts. Could you make it a little more obvious next time. To do it like that seems kinda... condescending.


@Chris Pisarczyk: Yes. Lots of guards with patrol routes and duty shifts. That will be the main focus of the next update.


@Zeth545: The guests I will eventually add will double as vendors and trainers for all sorts of things. In the meantime I might add a few placeholders to offload your stuff.


To add a new guild with quests and so on is far too much work and I have too much else to do first. Sorry. there will be a few factions for organisational purposes but that's about as far as I can see that line of thought going for now.


I might add a secret dungeon but It's kinda low on the list of priorities right now.


A secret underwater entrance is a brilliant idea and I will almost definately do it.


Sorry, but I don't like any of your name ideas.


Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming. I'm getting my own broadband connection soon so I'll be able to reply faster in a few days. If anyone is interested in helping (scripting mainly) please tell me.



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all right, the bugs



the door in the room with a sh*t load of beds, has a wooden door that when opened leads to a wall.


the door at the end of 1 of the hallways with the "needs a Key" thing that leads to black should be removed


the end of 1 of the hallways is missing


outside where the Oblivion spikes are, there is a bunch of deer running into them, (i killed them and scored some dough so thats okay) ;D


in 1 of the bedrooms the books and a pot are stuck in the shelf


when i went into the east wing thro the left door i couldnt go back thro it



sorry i couldnt be more specific :D

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im grateful you like my idea and i think i got some more



a butler who will run the castle when your gone

for a later mod maby a small village of workers and a goup of bandits u have to protect them from

and maby a hidden key for the underwater entrance

on your way in from the underwater entrance a band of bandits will be in therewith some decent loot

and maby there will be a owner of the castle already that you have to defeat

a small monastary to the nine

a couple ninroot plz

it will probably b e hard but in order to have control of the castleyou have to pay a monthly fee to the gaurds

a monster in the jail cells that escaped

a pet penguin or other strange animal




if you dont like any of my ideas thats ok

but maby just a mention of my name for the underwater door would be nice, i can hardly wait for the complete version :)

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Access to the roof. I love sitting on roofs, sniping innocent, respawning (and unknowing) guards with my force push. Or frenzy. Uhm...


On to scripting business :)

I'm working on the script that Vagrant0 suggested, if you want it, WarKirby? I'm putting in most of the names on these pages and a few of my own? Of course, "The Castle of DOOM" is going to be on the top of the list. ;)


Since my DirectX just blew up after trying to get SplinterCell to work, my CS doesn't work atm. Could you post a list of all of the cells the player is to have ownership over? Along with a short description. Example:


10101010 WarkirbyHallway "Hallway"


I haven't ever messed around with cells, so I do not know if they have an editor name and an "ingame" name, or just an "ingame" name?

Then I'll script the ownership, so that stealing from the castle before you own it is - stealing. I'll also change the name of the cells (put the castle's name in front of it)


Will have it done soon.


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