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My Big Castle Mod


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"My brain? I bought in on eBay. Only place I could something cheap that WON'T work with anything official! (Such as school, other languages and bills.)"






What is that supposed to mean?




Anyway. The forum is nice. Not full of images. It was originally a retina destroying bright blue, but I made a new color scheme that is much easier on the eyes. I'm a moderator :happy:




Paulo Minty is helping to make the village, as I am kinda swamped with the arena.





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Due to popular demand, the next update will also contain a small village. Any particular things you want in it?




Also, Paulo_Minty made his own forum. And made me the moderator. I designed the colour scheme, taking a few cues from Tessource, Gamespot and Newgrounds. We need members now.






I joined, Paulo's forum rocks. I would like to see MORE people join tho.

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If you can think of anything interesting to add toi the site, please tell me by all means (but not here)




On topic, the arena opponents is about 40% complete and work on a certain really cool arena reward has just been completed courtesy of our newest team member, SickleYield.





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If you can think of anything interesting to add toi the site, please tell me by all means (but not here)


On topic, the arena opponents is about 40% complete and work on a certain really cool arena reward has just been completed courtesy of our newest team member, SickleYield.




Oh, so THAT'S what that was for.


This is gonna be SO cool.

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I have now downloaded it, i will play it as mf monday when i have my beast computer back that runs it without lagg almost anywere. But i see the other mods that are reqs for it, do i have to have 100%? or will the casle be lacking if i dont get them? and what is the book placing mod do exactly?? Okay thaks



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The required mods are not really required.




Bookplacing Gives you a spell that allows you to pick up books and insert them in to bookshelves. Much less fiddly than using Z and useful if you don't want your library to be empty forever.




Paintings and Tapestries replaces all the default rugs, paintings and tapestries with much better, and more colorful designs. I designed the art gallery with it, and if you don't have it the gallery won't look right.




Not essential, Just nice





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The required mods are not really required.

Paintings and Tapestries replaces all the default rugs, paintings and tapestries with much better, and more colorful designs. I designed the art gallery with it, and if you don't have it the gallery won't look right.

Not essential, Just nice



I don't use the Paintings and Tapestries because it's such an enormous file (I have dialup at home and can't get tessource from work) and I don't think the gallery looks that bad without it.


Maybe I'll try again now that I have a download manager...

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I have gazed at the castle for about 5 minutes. I think you did a speldit job. I love the Oblivion Spikes things near the gate, the uncompleted garden looks awesome too. Throne room is nice as well. I LOVE the dinning room. You did a good job WarKibby! I havent saw any guard yet though. I will go explore it more througly later on.


In other news, I got the necessary tools to work with 3d. Perhaps when I get better, I may assist SickleYield with your 3d work :).

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In other news, I got the necessary tools to work with 3d. Perhaps when I get better, I may assist SickleYield with your 3d work :).


Good, 'cause I told him I'm not making any new meshes while I'm busy with my armor project. :)


Hope you find it easy, and fun, and (raise right hand) may all your normals face outward.

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