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My Big Castle Mod


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Hey in the study I couldn't find the vampire related book you mentioned in the castle guide? Also, I can't seem to figure out how to open the secret door by the study to the sleeping vampire victim. I wouldn't have even known she was there if i hadn't flown through the wall. How do you open the door? Lastly, in the prison i believe the prisoner that is supposed ot occupy the cell is stuck under the floor. That's all the issues I had. Amazing castle by the way. I love the idea and can't wait for the next update!
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Hey in the study I couldn't find the vampire related book you mentioned in the castle guide? Also, I can't seem to figure out how to open the secret door by the study to the sleeping vampire victim. I wouldn't have even known she was there if i hadn't flown through the wall. How do you open the door? Lastly, in the prison i believe the prisoner that is supposed ot occupy the cell is stuck under the floor. That's all the issues I had. Amazing castle by the way. I love the idea and can't wait for the next update!


The secret door isn't opening because I forgot to include the mesh for the trigger book. I'll fix it in the next update. As for the prisoner, I have no idea why he won't just stay in his cell. I'm looking into it.




Thsnks for the support





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I tested it halfway. (still have to go into the WEST wing)


Looks very nice Warkibby!


I like the ambiance, although things seem a little lifeless in some rooms. Im sure you will fix that in later versionsd though.


Your boots made me pass through walls and fall through cells. But they where usefull for those long lasting never ending corridors.


I loved the observation tower! About that though I noticed you added colision cells near the throne. I wanted to commit sinucide and what do you know, im walking in mid air. Reminded me of old cartoons lol.


Again, I love the dinning room. I noticed one of your npc's (was dressed like a smith or something) was trying to get in another room and he was stuck walking in the table. Better revise those grids!


Im looking forward to checking that museum.


Also, good work with those shining bugs in the Main Hall! Doesnt looks very mystical to me, but it does looks awesome. Also, I think it would be a great idee to add more static objects in the Throne room. Carpets, tables with plants or something.


Oh and before I forget, revise some rocks in the casstle hall. They look ok when you enter but from behind eh...



And a little sugestion: If you have ever played through BloodMoon (MW), you should of noticed the treasure cave (locked 100) somewhere at east. It had lots of gold in it and some ebony stuff. Why not make a treasure room somewhere in your castle, with lots of gold laying on the floor, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, necklesses, rings, chests of gold, replique armors and others. Im not sure if you already though of something like this though, since I havent visited the whole castle. But if you havent, it would be a great addon to your splendid casstle!

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Which rooms seem most lifeless do you think? The more specific your criticism, the easier it is to do something about it.




I think I'll add some slightly slower boots.




The collision cells are so you don't plummet to your doom when you stand up from the throne. If you want to commit suicide anyway, just go out a few metres. They don't extend very far.




I will check the pathgrid immediately. Could you send a screenshot? [email protected]




I might add some stuff to the throne room. I'm just trying to think of what would complement, rather than diminish the greatness of rthe centerpiece. I have an idea....




Rocks in the hall? What are you talking about? Be more specific or send screens. Both preferably.




A treasure room? Sound good. I'll do it! I'll make it a seperate cell though, or the sheer number of objects will destroy your framerate. How about a swimming pool full of gold?





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Which rooms seem most lifeless do you think? The more specific your criticism, the easier it is to do something about it.


Sorry about that I was in a hury. Il go play and re-evaluate. And take screens. I walked through it at about 11 pm, so I cant remember the rooms.


I think I'll add some slightly slower boots.


The boots where alright as long as you didnt have a wall 10 metters in front of you.


The collision cells are so you don't plummet to your doom when you stand up from the throne. If you want to commit suicide anyway, just go out a few metres. They don't extend very far.


Yeah I noticed that, cant seem to see why I havent mentioned it though.


I will check the pathgrid immediately. Could you send a screenshot?


Certanly, I will send screenshots of everything as soon as I finish viewing the castle.


Rocks in the hall? What are you talking about? Be more specific or send screens. Both preferably.


Did I just say castle hall? Sorry about that, I ment... Cant find words. Ah the castle garden. I will take screenshots as soon as possible. What I ment is that if you look at the rocks you placed in the front garden while standing near the castle keep door, they wont show proprelly. I dont know the term for it, but its like if you should of spined them so they sit on the ground proprelly, and not on a 45 degree angle.


A treasure room? Sound good. I'll do it! I'll make it a seperate cell though, or the sheer number of objects will destroy your framerate. How about a swimming pool full of gold?




Thats the best idea I have heard to date! Oh my I can only image the effect havok will do on those once you dive in....


Wont that take you forever to do that though? I tried placing items in the cs and well... Filling a pool with tiny gold pieces seems like taking forever, unless you have some super modder uber item placing knowledge that I dont posses and you place items by group.


Sorry for missunderstanding issues. I often start with one idea and finish with another and I rarely revise my posts. Since English is not my native language, I also tend to use the wrong words for descriptions and confuse people.

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Thats the best idea I have heard to date! Oh my I can only image the effect havok will do on those once you dive in....


Wont that take you forever to do that though? I tried placing items in the cs and well... Filling a pool with tiny gold pieces seems like taking forever, unless you have some super modder uber item placing knowledge that I dont posses and you place items by group.


Sorry for missunderstanding issues. I often start with one idea and finish with another and I rarely revise my posts. Since English is not my native language, I also tend to use the wrong words for descriptions and confuse people.


I do have 'super modder item placing knowledge' :happy:




Place 1 gold. Duplicate it.


I now have 2. Duplicate it.


I now have 4. Duplicate it


I now have 8














you get the idea.


And I'll use havok placement so they arrange themselves realistically.




There's always the possiblity that oblivion will crash due to the sheer number of calculations your processor will have to do if you dive in, but let's wait and see.





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There's always the possiblity that oblivion will crash due to the sheer number of calculations your processor will have to do if you dive in, but let's wait and see.


Or that it will lag as hell.


It still is a great idea anyways :). Only time will tell ^^.


Looking forward to next update. Especially the arena. Until then I am still a 3d artist in training. Hopefully I will have gained enough experience to assist you in this project. Until I figure out how to UV map and succefully export the mesh.


Still, ten thumbs up. This mod is an evolution.

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Unfortunately, the swimming pool of gold is a no-go. I've only placed around 1500 coins, which barely makes an ankle deep pile, and already my processor is screaming for mercy.




Plus, more than half of the coins fell through the floor.


A treasure room is still a good idea though.





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alright first off, I like the idea of the treasure room. Like maybe put another secret passage in the inner sanctum. Cuz I was goin to put all my jewels in the silver bowl youp ut there but I kept knocking all the weylen stones all over the place. SO a treasure room would be much better.

second, what are the custom guard uniforms going ot look like? Whats the crest look like?

Third, who the hell is lord kain (or w/e his name is)? I alsways see him walking around like 3 feet taller then me and I can't help wondering wtf hes doing in my house looking more regal than me?

Last, I like the idea of shrinking the pool area a bit and turning it into a Roman style brothel/bathhouse with some women around for you "relaxation"

(oh and would you mind either moving or removing the flame right behind the throne. It lights me on fire whenever I go to the inner sactum and being a vampire this can be an annoyance)

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