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My Big Castle Mod


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OK. I will be adding a treasure room. Should I fill it with treasure, or just make it a space for the player to put their own?




The custom guard uniforms are a secret for now, nut I can tell you that it is a retexture of the townguard cuirass with a special shield.




Lord Cain is the captain of the guard, and was deformed to his gargantuan proportions by his insane father :happy: I plan to put his biography in a book, to add a bit of lore to the mod.




Brothel/bathhouse idea? I'm not sure. The main problem is that I couldn't make the ladies do much that would suit their character, except sit around. I tink it would be kind of lame, unless you have specific ideas on how it would be done?




The fire. I keep forgeting that. Will be fixed in next version.





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Brothel/bathhouse idea? I'm not sure. The main problem is that I couldn't make the ladies do much that would suit their character, except sit around. I tink it would be kind of lame, unless you have specific ideas on how it would be done?



That depends. How easily can you find another texturer?


But my personal irritations aside, there's not much in the way of "sexy" animation for Oblivion just yet. I'm sure once the animation format is cracked it'll be one of more than a few people's first priorities, but at the moment, there's not even a little dance like the Desele's ladies in Morrowind.

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OK. I will be adding a treasure room. Should I fill it with treasure, or just make it a space for the player to put their own?


Its a treasure room :).


Fill it with your imagination, gems, a few gold here and there.


Brothel/bathhouse idea? I'm not sure. The main problem is that I couldn't make the ladies do much that would suit their character, except sit around. I tink it would be kind of lame, unless you have specific ideas on how it would be done?


Would work, but it would be quite lame, unless you added some sort of weird dialogue for the ladies.


I don't really like the Brothel idea, it is just weird and doesn't fit in a castle/fortress


Rare are the lords that didnt please themselves between battles with a little servant there, a peasent there.


It "fits" but not really in the same time :unsure: ...



By the way WarKibby, I noticed theres another castle related mod out, called Castle Dunkerlore.


Its originality, inovation and cool factor can in no way match yours (in my oppinion), but hell that castle is pure Eye Candy.


Still, Ill wait to see how yours will look after the garden is added.

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@SickleYield: The brothel idea is officially out the window. You're far too valuable to lose over a bad idea.




@Tiberiu: I'm examining that caastle now, and maybe learn something from it?




Also, does anyone have a link to an alchemy sorting mod that I couold incorporate?





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I'd fill the treasusre room with treasure but leave a little room for us to store things. I think the bathhouse idea could be done. Just shrink down the pool a bit and maybe put some couches and chairs off to the side with female (or male...w/e way u bend) servants. And you could talk to them and they'd have food and wine to give you. Or at least brighten it up a bit. That room is a little too dark and it should be a more joyful and relaxing area.
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I could brighten it up by adding tapestries, banners and paintings, as well as some more lights, I could maybe add some servants to serve food and wine. We'll see.



Now, that's not a bad idea at all there, plus it supports existing capabilities instead of imaginary ones. :)


Tristan's Alchemy sorter:




(From http://www.elricm.com/nuke/html/modules.ph...oad&sid=39)

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hey and when the castle update finally gets up, when we download it are we gonna have to remove all of our items from the castle?cuz i finally got my museam and library decorated and itd suck to have to do it all again. oh well...if thats the case i guess all the new content will be worth it
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Will you need to remove stuff?




I actually have no idea.




I asked several people to test this for me, and nobody did. (*looks at paulo_minty disapprovingly*) :happy:




Guess you'll just have to wait and see.




The next version has suffered an unfortunate setback. Omegano, my chief scripter, is moving house, and his DSL is down til next month. The arena cannot be completed without him, so don't be expecting it this month :(




I'll still work hard though.





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