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Slaughterfish Aggression


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When I add the NPC -> CreatureSlaughterFish to my mods it is tame within proximity (unless attacked).


I have added leveled slaughterfish from the Rumare quest and others with no change.


I can find no triggers (scripted etc) in the Rumare quest etc.


My attempts include raising AI etc. to unstoppable.


Help on this greatly appreciated



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Slaughterfish in Oblivion stink. The ones in Morrowind rocked!


What you could do is add a script to each variety of slaughterfish:


ScriptName AADoNotGoNearTheWater

Begin Gamemode
    If GetDistance Player <= 1024
         StartCombat Player

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Slaughterfish in Oblivion stink. The ones in Morrowind rocked!


What you could do is add a script to each variety of slaughterfish:


ScriptName AADoNotGoNearTheWater

Begin Gamemode
    If GetDistance Player <= 1024
         StartCombat Player

Except that calling getdistance on that many things in an exterior cell can usually cause some performance issues. That script would also have the downside of causing the slaughterfish to become aggressive to the player, even if the player is standing above the water or is on the nearby shore. A better script might be...


ScriptName AADoNotGoNearTheWater

Begin Gamemode
    If player.isswimming == 1
    If player.isactordetected == 1
    If GetDistance Player <= 1024
         StartCombat Player

While technically similar, it has conditions before the distance check which restrict the situations that the distance check would be processed.

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Thank you David and Vagrant0, I wasn't sure whether I could even use GameMode due to processing overhead.

I was trying to script a new triggerzone for do once onActivate but failed to get a valid reference.

I'd still love to know how other mods are making the slaughterfish aggro with no apparent scripts.

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Thank you David and Vagrant0, I wasn't sure whether I could even use GameMode due to processing overhead.

I was trying to script a new triggerzone for do once onActivate but failed to get a valid reference.

I'd still love to know how other mods are making the slaughterfish aggro with no apparent scripts.

Oh... that's usually due to aggression settings on the creature. Vanilla slaughterfish usually have a 100 aggression and are part of a faction which has a -100 disposition toward the player.


I thought the question was asking if there was some way to make them more aggressive than that.

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Dang it, once again a solution to a problem presents itself a while after I've passed it. I was trying to reduce attack radii. This method should work, I was using getdistance and setfactionrank because the thing always attacked the player when he wasn't detected. Wish I knew about the getisdetected function.
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Wish I knew about the getisdetected function.

Well, that particular function really isn't all that useful since it checks if the object in question is detected by anything, even by things unrelated to what you're running the script on (such as companions). It exists here mostly so that the distance check is not being done unless something in the area sees the player, even if that thing is not a slaughterfish.


As for the rather poor fish AI... If I have it correctly, it is the way it is because of either programming or processing limitations related to any pathing or detection in the water. The same issue exists for pathing for flying creatures. This is probably why the game lacks most everything related to flying and swimming creatures. Technically speaking, it's a good thing that they decided to scale back instead of just making aggression work or else we would constantly be getting attacked any time we went near the water.

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Would running begin gamemode block on all NPCs in a cell cause excessive lag? From what I've read, it only runs gamemode blocks on an NPCs script if the player is in the same cell, so if one subdivided the cells out a lot, then lag problems should be minimal.
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