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Another scripting question


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I'm looking to find out how to make it where, after completing a certain stage (said stage is completed inside of a tent), an NPC appears in the cell outside of the tent (also is a Imperial ghost). Once you leave the tent, the NPC needs to talk to you which will then trigger a fight and proceed to the next stage of the quest.


My question is how do you make it where the NPC will approach you once you walk outside of the tent. Also, I need it to be where the guards won't interfere in the battle between the two. I have no clue how to do the second part, but here's what I tried on the first part:


ScriptName (mynamehere)


short DoOnce

short talk


begin gamemode


if DoOnce == 0 && GetStage AHAdemarQuest05 == 40


Set DoOnce to 1



if talk == 0 && DoOnce == 1

Activate player

Set talk to 1





That makes it to where the NPC will talk to the player, but the thing is - the NPC won't look like a ghost.


In order to give the ghost effect to an NPC, all you have to do is add a spell (ABGhostNPC) to the NPC. So, what I'm thinking is there's something I need to do that makes it where the NPC casts the spell after he is enabled but before he activates the player.


And lastly, the NPC won't activate the player unless he is within range of the player right when the player enters the cell. Otherwise, he won't do anything but look ghostly. 0.o

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This is completely and utterly a guess on my part, but I suppose you could try two things.

Just before the fight starts you could try lowering their strength to 0 ( thus rendering them unable to move ), and return their strength to normal after the fight has finished.

Or do the same with their responsibility leaving them disinterested in the fight ( < guard ID >.modav responsibility -100 ), then return it to normal after.

But like I said, this is just a guess.

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