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Hellgate London Templar armor


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That's from Hellgate London? Dang.. I thought that armor was from StarCraft the first time I saw it. But that was in some cinematic blend video of WoW, StarCraft, and Hellgate London.


Yeah, armor requests and such take a ton of skill to do, and most people with the capability to do them are working on their own things.

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Yes, bumping. Also, simply sticking pictures up is a wee bit ungrateful. Do you wonder that peple ignore you?


Also, looks a hell of a lot like the Black Templar armor on the Nexus.

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well, yes that is the sword.

there are plenty of 3d modelling savvys around...


Edit: Not very familiar with the word bumping?

Edited by eXoduis
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These look like what you are looking for:



Also if you are making requests like this, be patient and wait for someone to take over. Bumping won't help much, you will only get strikes which leads to ban.

Take this warning seriously...

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Ok, thank you for the sword, it is excatly the Negotiator from Hellgate. As for the armor, well its not excatly there, but not bad.

And, i looked up BUMPING, it wasnt my intention to bump...

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