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Where am I?


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Lets say I'm out exploring and find a really good spot that would make an ideal spot for a new house mod.....or whatever.


Is there a console command or existing mod that will identify my current X, Y coordinates? IE -8 20


Thank you


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nevermind finally googled the answer.


GetPos X shows target’s X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or “014″.GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis!

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not so fast there! I used the console commands: player.getpos x, and then Y and Z.


the values returned were x=167739.69 Y=103435.16 and Z=39401.63.


could not use the coe x, y command with those values when i was at another location and wanted to return..


So next i used coe 0, 0 to see where it took me. An Aeylid well.............cool i thought but then i did the getpos x etc and got values up in the 3xxx's.


Is there some kind of numerical factor that needs to be applied to make the X, Y, Z values usable in the COE command.?


This is making my head hurt LOL!!!


Thank you,



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Center On Exterior uses Cell Coordinates, not x and y values. The cell 0,0 for example.


I think there was a mod for that.. You could try finding landmarks and remember where you are on the map, e.g. north of Skingrad or east of Fatback Camp.

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I found this in Construction set WIKI http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/PositionWorld




PositionWorld 76345, 100.56, 215, 176, Tamriel


Warps the object to the exterior coordinate location specified by x, y, and z in the specified worldspace. The object will be facing the world angle specified by zRot. All parameters are floats.


I'll keep digging.

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