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Assistance required for The Lusty Argonian Maid by Me


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I need help with a Mod, and the Mod in Question is based upon the Infamous Lusty Argonian Maid Book.


My Mod idea is add Lifts-Her-Tail as a fully working Maid residing in the Skingrad Rosethorn Hall along side Eyja, the Vanilla Maid.


My Lusty Argonian Maid WIP Mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33261


What I hopfully to plan is add dialogue witch you can chat, get food n drink like with Eyja and most improtantly is to Flirt NOT fornicate with.


Maybe some sort of romance + Relationship building like the Grand Romacing Eyja but I dont want to Copy Cat that.


What My problem tho unsure if it is a Problem yet is the first Simple AI package/schedule attempt I have done. I followed the wiki instructions on basic AI stuff tho half of it was Korean to me and then I have sorta tried to create a custom Ai for Lifts-Her-Tail based on Eyja's Packages but changed them accordingly so that they wont conflict with her routine and such.


Help + better guidance is desired plus people testing out what I have already done to see if I got the right idea.


Link again: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33261


I already have had 360 or so Downloads in all, 110 in the first 20 hours and the comments from people are encourageing. Beast Races n NPC Mods are overlooked mostly but this one seems to have the potential to be popular, And I want to make it to the standard if that is Possible of Romanceing Eyja.


if you would like to help, Please either PM me or leave a post ere. I am ehancing me CS Skills But only very slowly tho I am not New to the System that the CS is based on, The fo3 GECK was my Playground before Oblivion.





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I have just downloaded your mod with the AI package for HGEC ( though what body type she has should not affect her AI ).

I got bored of Eyja just wandering around the house saying "good day Mi'Lord/Lady", so I gave her AI packages so that she reads, eats and sweeps in the Main section of the home ( with the condition GetRandomPercent >= 50 so she does'nt sweep the same spot for about 3 hours ), so I can help with most packages, send 'lifts her tail' out to one of the taverns in the evening or to church on sundays etc

You will need to tell me what kind of scedule you want her to have ( what time she goes bed, gets up, has breakfast, starts work, has a break etc ).

When in wander mode if Eyja is also then they will chat anyway, but it will be just rumors ( "ran into some goblins the other day" etc ).

Will take a look at your mod later, but I just started a new game and dont have the Fame or money to buy Rosethorn Hall yet ( but I can cheat :biggrin: ).

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Ahh Sweet! Tou mite just have saved my Ass with this as Im going lierally Mental over the AI packages n stuff, mostly due to my cpu being a Female dog.


Rite, In a Nutshell Mon to Fri


6am till 9am: Lifts-Her-Tail Gets up from bed, has something to eat, gets dressed into Maid Outfit and then goes about the house performing chores such as sweeping, cleaning et, basically what maids do.


9am til 11am: Either have a small break by reading a Book, sitting down etc or going out to town to the Taverns, shops or some of the Male residences's houses to give the image that she is not just in your "Service"


11am to 12pm: Returns to make and have dinner, then cleans about the Dinner room to give the idea after cleaning up.


12pm to 2pm: She goes wandering about again the house or goes about town to taverns stores, Mens houses Lol


2pm to 5pm: Returns to house if out to do chores, sweeping, cleaning etc And maybe chat with Eyja or who ever lives in the house.


5pm to 8pm: She either settles down for the evening relaxing reading, maybe pracitse some magic, Practise Melee, archery or if ya like Horse riding, or even goes to the tavern and Drink herself silly then goes to a male's House. Maybe give Glarfir something to take his mind of his paranoia xD


8pm to 11pm: Maybe Polish your spear? xD Could make her stand in your bed chamber or something to wait for a custom flirt dialogue if you know how to.


11pm to 12am: Maybe a midnight snack, sleep in your bed and then go back to her Bed in the basement near Eyja's bed courner.


Thats from Mon to Fri so far.


Sat and Sun:


Sat: She sleeps from 12am to 7am due to day off or so.

7am to 9am: Shes gets up, has something to eat then goes about town to the stores,taverns and maybe even the castle.


9am to 11am: She returns to the House and does a chore or two then either sits and reads abook or starts to make dinner.


11am to 1pm: Sits down for dinner. eats and then sits, relaxes or reads. Then after goes out again to the Taverns to drink and get drunk?


1pm to 4pm: In Taverns during witch she drinks and chats to verious people about and then goes out to one of the verious Men Houses again,


4pm to 6pm: Returns to the house and sleeps for an hour or so to sleep some of it off.


6pm to 9pm: Either does some cleaning, sweeping or goes for a casual visit to one the mens houses or taverns (again)


9pm to 12pm: Stays in the tavern or chosen man's House in sandbox mode.


12pm to 7am: returns home and slumbers it off.



7am to 11am: gets up has breckfast, then does chores or so, and before 9am goes to Church and sits down to Confess what a Naughtly lil Maid she has been and perhaps goes into the Residence area of the Church ( the underneath part where the priest people live?) into a bedchamber or so as ya do.


11am to 1pm: returns to the Manor, has dinner and cleans the dining area. Wanders about afterwards or reads a book.


1pm to 5pm: Does what ever she wants really, ride a horse, go out and about, eats food, stores, taverns cleans up, mens houses etc.


5pm to 8pm: returns home to wait for you in the bed chamber.


8pm till 12am: Either sleeps, eats waits for you for custom dialogue options etc then goes to bed at 12am to s=tart the week anew.


Hows that? Mite be complex tho I dunno what you think.ore or less the idea I think tho you could do what you thinks right.


Right now I want to try out a few dwnloaded Mods and have fun before I gots to do MY chores for today.


BIG THANKYOU TOO! :)))))))))


EDIT: I noticed your UK Based too witch is super cos in the past had to deal with Time differences witch was a bother. Im just having some cornflakes now too (: xD

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Wow...thats allot if AI work, the only one I would have a problem with is the cooking, there is an animation involving a spoon and mixing bowl, but I have not tried that one yet.

Sweeping is the only cleaning animation available, her going for a beer and visiting other guys houses and standing in your bedroom is not a problem, but one thing you must understand is AI is only ever processed efficiently when the player is within the same area. For example 9am to 11am I would have her reading, if I send her out with instruction to return at 11am, it could take her an hour just to get back to the house ( unless you follow her wherever she goes ), thus rendering the cooking wasted. Time must always be granted when giving packages that involve travel to different cells. You would need to place her in the Nine Divines Faction for her to visit the living area in the church ( but even that might not work ) so that one could be a bit hit and miss.

Most if her AI would be best to keep her in or near the house to make it look fluid, not sent an NPC horse riding yet, so dont know how that works ( will look at Toutius Sextius and see how it's done for him ), but that could take up a good chunk of her day getting to the stables, riding then back again, so is probably best reserved for a special day ( a package that gets added by script after certain dialogue perhaps ).

I will probably start on the AI in the afternoon as I got some job hunting to do in the morning :(

I will try to keep it neat but as varied as possible.

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Ah Ah well you know better than I do in the AI way. Job hunting? Your not the only one.. Dole for me tomorrow. YES PEOPLE I AM UNEMPLOYED! I tend to gussey it up as a Freelance something or other or just "taking a Break"... a really Looong Extended Break so far anyway.


Im hopefully back in college in sept doing modeling and ainmation and all the media related shite n stuff.


Good luck with the Job hunting as I know I need it too.


BIG Cheers!

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The horse riding is simple and complicated at the same time, all it needs is a wander package, but she will need to have her own horse, and I have no idea how to do that, so unless you know how to assign horses to NPC's I will leave that one alone for now.


Being unemployed sucks :( but gives me time to mod even if I am skint.


I will send any further updates via PM.

Catch you later :)

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Excellent! I think I have an idea on how to assign a Horse to an NPC. Just look at a Horse e.g Jauffrey's Horse and look about at the details. Ill have a fumble about in the CS and see whats what.


Unemployment sure doth suck monkey balls but gives me mucho time on Oblivion, tho most of the time my cpu is constantly crashing and restarting. Dunno its just a female dog.


Rite Ill catch ya in a bit too. Ill just tweak abou on the CS about the Horse thingy. (:

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