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nVidia Geforce 470 - Latest Drivers Problems (no AA/AF, graphics glitc


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I have this problem where if I run Fallout3.exe I have no Anti-Aliasing, no Anisotropic Filtering, no V-Sync.


If i change my exe file name to Fallout3blah.exe, I have all the above. Anyone know why? I can not even select Fallout3.exe in the Application override section of the nVidia control panel for some reason. And if I don't use Fallout3.exe I can't run FOSE applications.


Another weird issue is that I occassionally see white or green squares and circles on screen. My card is running cool and I have no issues in other games. I have installed F3, the 5 DLCs, the NMC texture pack, and the unofficial Fallout 3 patch.



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Weird... I've got a 480 (assuming the drivers for the two should be very similar) and I've had no problems, well ones which aren't noise related anyway.


Are you sure you've got the correct driver version? Google doesn't show up any problems with FO3 and the 400 series apart from a few sli bugs.

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