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Requiring assistance with a mount mod


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For quite some time now, I've been contemplating giving a shot at making a mod. I've asked around quite a bit about it, but so far nobody has been able and/or willing to lend a hand, so I'm, once again, handing out a plea.


I would like to construct a mod that allows the Dragonborn to be able to ride a deer. I would like this deer to be fabricated from this one (I believe it to be a caribou), rather than the (Irish) "elk" (Megaloceros giganteus), "immature (Irish) elk" or the White Stag. Additionally, I would like to retexture it to have a predominately black hide without causing all the other deer of it's type to change with it. I know that this is possible, seeing the sabre cats in some other mount mods (e.g. Mike's Mystical Mounts) and the individual horses in the original game - perhaps Automatic Variants could help?


I don't think it's wildly complicated, but I could be wrong. I have tried to contact multiple mount mod makers, but none of them replied. It seems that they've long gone, but I could always make another attempt.

Edited by seedlessgrapes
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Hunting In Skyrim will be introducing new deer mounts in their future releases, not sure if you have tried to contact them yet though. but would be a good place to start for some info on how to do it. Though what you would need to do is set up your new 'mount' race/armor, in CK, then create a new texture set with your black textures so that your 'new' deer mount race only uses those textues> this tutorial is quite good to get an understanding of changing texture sets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MYG4IvgKGo, also DarkFox127 has fantastic tutorials on pretty much everything Mod related, http://www.youtube.com/user/DARKF0X127.

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Thank you. I am installing the Creation Kit and will try to contact the creator of "Hunting in Skyrim". I did hear of them going to implement a deer mount.




I've watched the video you provided above and have a much better idea of how to re-texture. However, I'm still stuck on actually finding and re-texturing the files out of the Creation Kit; I can only seem to find textures from texture packs that I've downloaded. I suppose I could use one of those, but I'm not sure which program to use in order to do this.


Also, I can't find anything about creating a mount in DarkFox127's videos. Making an animal follower is the closest I've got.

Edited by seedlessgrapes
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Some indications (NOT COMPLETE !) TO MAKE A NEW MOUNT (There is no complete tutorial on the net !!!!) :

(The easiest way to make a mount; there is OTHER WAYS!)

1) you must create a MODIFICATED SKELETON

...Just a tutorial to make a modificated skeleton, but it is not very easy, and you would better make with use of my modificated skeletons: you have my permission(in my different mods: the modificated skeletons are in data/meshes)


in the Creation Kit:

2) (if necessary) In Miscellaneous/TEXTURE SET . in Editor ID, right click ->new.Texture , Edit.etc
Choose and type a name..OK . (dont forget to save your .esp)

(in french, sorry)

En fait, le lien entre le modèle/meshe et la texture se fait plutôt dans le meshe lui même sous nifskope: il faut chercher les lignes: "BSShaderTextureSet" et indiquer les bons chemins (dans le dossier Textures)

3) (if necessary) In items/ARMOR ADDON, in Editor ID, right click ->new.choose the race .the Biped model , select.
In ID type a name..OK . (dont forget to save your .esp)

4) (if necessary) In items /ARMOR, in editor ID, right click on a skin?... (in relation with your creature and his race in skyrim!), duplicate . Double clickin the (windows) Models replace with your armor addon (right click/new etc).put a new ID name ..OK.(dont forget to save your .esp)

5) (Necessarily) In Character/Race, Choose the RACE and duplicateattribute a new name for the IDdont forget the armor race with the name of the race (not the ride race !) and the link to the modificated skeleton(In body data skeleton with edit you can choose the skeleton in meshes/actor etc)

(dont forget to save your .esp)

For example in my mod monster mounts

For the modificated dog skeleton: \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Meshes\actors\canine\character assets dog\ skeleton2.nif

For the modificated wolf skeleton \Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Meshes\actors\canine\character assets wolf\ skeleton3.nif

6. (Necessarily) choose the ACTOR (NPC) and duplicate. attribute a new name and select your new (ride) race in Traits..in Stats change the speed.. in keyword:put actor type horse in faction put playerfactionin Al Data put unaggressive, cautious, helps nobody,neutral,no crime.In Al packages, All packages list, right click: new, in package Template choose stayatcurrentlocation or FollowPlayer, OK .dont forget in the left main page of Actor: essential ..(dont forget to save your .esp)

7) (if necessary) if you have bugs with the swim animation for example-) Gameplay, Animations, in idle animation : Actors\Deer (for example) ActionSwimStatechange:DeerSwimRoot.in conditions: right clicknew..invalid: choose your ride NPC..value: put 0..ok


8. (Necessarily) in CELL VIEW place your new actor ( Choose tamriel in "world space" and 5 -5 to go to the pelagia farm for example !)

save your esp

Try this in the game....

...and good work !

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