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Requiring Vanilla Camera


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Recently after I reinstalled Oblivion I got a whole bunch of old mods I had along with many new mods, and suddenly the first person camera is placed several feet above the players head, which is making looting difficult, putting my view through some ceilings, causing other mods to be unenjoyable, drastically reducing the overall enjoyment of the game, along with several other problems. I'm wondering if there is any place to find the original First Person camera view? Any help would appreciated.
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Deactivate the mod that changes the camera and reset your configuration settings (ini) file in Documents\My Games\Oblivion-the file is also called Oblivion.If you save your downloads the readme will usually tell you how to reset the camera view.
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Deactivate the mod that changes the camera and reset your configuration settings (ini) file in Documents\My Games\Oblivion-the file is also called Oblivion.If you save your downloads the readme will usually tell you how to reset the camera view.

I don't know which mod changes the camera, I also don't know how to reset the configuration file Oblivion_default.ini

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Gears of War camera Mod,Unnecessary Violence, Some animation replacers will change the pov of a camera. You could post your load order- The instructions on how to post a load order are in the pinned Topic "Oblivion Modding Links". When you have identified the mod that caused the change and deleted it from your game, you look in Documents\My Games\Oblivion and delete the configuration settings file called Oblivion. You will need to reset your screen resolution and reenable some tweaks like border removal and allowing screenshots, but you will have the vanilla pov again.
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  • 4 years later...

I did what you said here but other than cleanin the texrures and game engine it remains still the same but the body i used by the enhaced body camera dissapeared so now i dont have any body but the aimin with the camera is still s#*! ... the cursor is in the middle and all my spells and other aimin stuff is like near bottom left corner ... :/

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Go to your game install's Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_1stPerson folder and rename skeleton.nif to XXskeleton.nif (or you could move it to a backup folder ... point is make it so the game won't use it and will revert to the vanilla _1stPerson\skeleton.nif found in Oblivion - meshes.bsa).


If it's the third person view that's the problem do the same with the skeleton.nif found in the Data\meshes\characters\_male folder.

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