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I need help with landscaping


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I'm trying to make my own little village in oblivion, but whenever I go to draw a path with the 'Roadstone01.dds 'texture, it only makes the grass texture thicker :confused: as though its drawing that grass texture, but when I move over a little bit, it works fine. It's like there's an arbitrary square of terrain that turns the texture into grass lol. The weirdest thing though, is that its not a specific cell that happens in. I relocated the house just outside of this boundary, but the cell viewer says i'm still in cell 3,6. I have lots of mods installed, including Qarl's texture pack, but like I said, the texture works fine elsewhere. Also, the smallstone texture that typically lines the roads works fine in this area, it only affects 'Roadstone01.dds' Whats going on? o_O
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That problem results from having too many different types of terrain in that section of the cell. Try going over the whole area with one texture that works, like SmallStone as you said.
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That problem results from having too many different types of terrain in that section of the cell. Try going over the whole area with one texture that works, like SmallStone as you said.


You mean like blanketing the whole area with SmallStone?? I could see how that would work... I'll try finding a seldom used texture in the area first, and just cover that up. Thank you!

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