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Worldspace modders please read!


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Hey every1 :thumbsup:


I have a major plea for all worldspace modders!


As it is now, it is very hard for, I think, both players and most modders to easily see if the location you want to use for a worldspace construction is already occupied by a structure from another mod, these things can be spotted with tools like FO3Edit if you know what to look for, but in the end there is a much simpler solution that requires zero effort from the modders, which is what I would like to request to be implemented in any future (or current, if the modders wont mind going back and adding the info) mods of that nature.


The request:


As all worldspace modders know, all worldspace section have coordinates attached to them, so my suggestion / request is that modders take use of this information and add it to the description of their mods, this would make it extremely easy for players to see if the location of the "structure" mod they want to add to their game, is already occupied by another mod they have installed and thereby avoid any errors that might occur do to this.


This will also make it easier for other modders to see if the worldspace section they want to create a structure in, is already use by another mod.


For easy reference I'd suggest that the info be added at a fixed spot in the "description" part of the mod, either at the very bottom of the description tap, or at the very top.


I am currently constructing a base on the worldspace at a given section of the worldspace not far from Rivetcity which have the coordinates "14,-21" so if I made this project publice I would add the following to my description tap:


"Worldspace Structure Location: [14,-21]"


Easy peasy :happy:


I also think it would be cool to have a post that could keep track of the locations of the worldspace mods, sort of a modders "resource" to look for free map space to create their structures, this could be made fairly easy by simply adding the cell coords followed by the name of the mod in question, like so:


Coord - Name


10,29 - (Mod name)

11,19 - (Mod name)

18,-25 - (Mod name)

21,06 - (Mod name)


and so on...


And this would be organized and sorted by coord numbers (low-to-high).


If ppl are interested I wouldn't mind making and updating it, all it requires is that ppl pm me here on Nexus with the coords and name of the mod, but ofc only the owner of the mod will be allowed to ask their mod to be added to the list, in case they want to keep the location a secret as part of the concept of the mod :tongue:


If I receive more then 5 pm request by modders to add their mod to such a list I will set it up and unless any1 have a better location for such a post (on Nexus), I will be setting it up in the "Fallout 3 General Modification Talk" and modders can throw a link to it in their mod description.


If I am to set this up, for a mod to be added to the list, the following requirements must apply to it:


1. Request must be made by the author him/her self.


2. Must have at least 5 or more "Endorsements"


3. Must have at least 10 or more "Endorsements" if still a "Beta"


When and if set up, I will be updating the list at least once every day, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent this.


Anyway please let me know what ppl think of the idea :thumbsup:



With best regards



"Cry havoc and let slip the Corehound of war!"

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I am currently constructing a base on the worldspace at a given section of the worldspace not far from Rivetcity which have the coordinates "14,-21" so if I made this project publice I would add the following to my description tap:


"Worldspace Structure Location: [14,-21]"


Easy peasy :happy:

There are multiple worldspaces, so would this be "Worldspace Structure Location: Wasteland [14,-21]"?


Is this coordinate information easily recognizable and useful to mod users who are not familiar with the GECK, perhaps have not even downloaded it?

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I am currently constructing a base on the worldspace at a given section of the worldspace not far from Rivetcity which have the coordinates "14,-21" so if I made this project publice I would add the following to my description tap:


"Worldspace Structure Location: [14,-21]"


Easy peasy :happy:

There are multiple worldspaces, so would this be "Worldspace Structure Location: Wasteland [14,-21]"?


Is this coordinate information easily recognizable and useful to mod users who are not familiar with the GECK, perhaps have not even downloaded it?


Well a set of coordinates covers an area that would theoretically be able to hold more then one mod structure, just to clarify, when I say structure I literally mean a structure i.e. a house, a platform and so on.


As far as what is needed for some1 to be able to understand the meaning of the coordinates, this doesn't really require anything, if a player want to be able to take advantage of such a system, all they need to do is write down the coordinate numbers given by the modder in the description of a mod that will add structures to the worldspace (that is if the modder who made it, uses this idea), and if you later on find another mod (and this modder also uses this system) you will be able to see if that mod has the same set of coords, which will mean the two mods will be located in the same area, thereby warning you of a potential conflicts :nuke:


:excl: It should however highly be recommended not to write-off any mods because of them having the same set of coords, cause as mentioned, each set of worldspace coords covers an area that should be capable of "housing" more then just one mod structure, instead a player could use this info to maybe ask a little more into where the structure is located.


I should maybe also point out, that when I say "worldspace" I am only talking about exterior areas and not "cells" like vaults and similar zones :smile:



With best regards



"Cry havoc and let slip the Corehound of war!"

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I think a basic map implementation would work rather nicely as well. A global map that is used to pinpoint the location of said structures. If you have played oblivion the creators of Unique landscapes use a process like this with which they all use the same base map (like a google map). And with this certain sections of the map where marked off and handed out or chose by the specific authors. The authors could then modify the landscapes without having to worry about editing over each others work because they would only edit the cells that fell within they're area. Using a map system could also help more accurately pinpoint where the structure sits in its cell coordinate so if people wish to use the same coord then they will know where they can and cant build.
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