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Metal Music


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Im very much a "nasty" metal head. Not that that means Im a metal head who is nasty, or have a nasty, metal, head, but that I preffer "nasty" metal music, the proper loud stuff. Ironicaly, I tend to think best when Im entirely in my own space, and blasting away the rest of the world's audio stimulii with death metal is one such way to achieve that.


Its strange, most people who arent into metal that I've met think that deathmetal fans who sit at home with it blasting at them on max volume probably arent that smart, and just like the sound of banging, clanging and screaming. Its not like that at all, i usualy listen to this sort of music while writing. A former freind of mine from america, writes, with each particular short story being inspired directly by the music he is listening to.


Usualy the louder the music, the less I get distracted by the constant noise of conservative suburbia, which is a lot more distracting then music is, it often surprises people that I concentrate better the more I have around me to concentrate on.


And as for bieber and gaga, they'll be gone in a year. The fans will find someone younger to replace bieber, the fans will find a more exhibitionist woman to replace gaga, its how the industry works. They're the fetish of the month for the "trendy" set, and they'll be evicerated by the experience and cast aside in shreds. Bieber will get too old first, and Gaga will probably suicide or be replaced by a woman who wears even less. Metal however, like it's namesake, takes a lot of rusting and time to fully disapear, t will survive my lifetime Im sure.


Kudos to you :) It's funny, people ask me what music I listen to...and I smile and say "death metal" and they like :blink: I don't "look" like a metalhead...but you don't have to dress to show what you like. I always get "why do you like that?" and I just simply say, "because I like it...I just like the way it sounds. Powerful, passionate, and I just love the guitar." But people say the same thing about their music, it's all a matter of opinion...most people I know call it noise lol and won't even give it a listen....


I listen to it while I'm trying to figure out my story for my PC, cleaning, crocheting...just helps it along :)


I said in the music thread I listen to about anything except pop, rap, and country (I've tried...can't do it...urgh!). I just hate that crap lol. But I love classic rock, classical, instrumental, folk, etc. I'll listen to about anything, at least I'll give it a try...but I prefer death metal...heh listening to Amon Amarth now :D


Ugh, don't get me started on Beiber or Gaga...but yeah...they'll be gone within the year...hopefully. I'm really sick of seeing her everywhere...she's creepy, only reason she gets attention is cos she dresses like a freak and her videos are very sexual, :yucky: and her music is so generic...but that's about everything you hear on the radio. All the rock bands sound the same these days...the lyrics all go on the same theme. Music for the masses I suppose...I dunno, I don't even listen to the radio anymore...normally got talk radio on in the car now.


I get mad...my dad makes fun of me for listening to Kalmah (calls it de-evolution music) and the like, but gets pissed off at me when I say Lady Gaga is a freak and her music is lame just because his 3 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER loves her....ugh...I feel sick. :sick: Sorry, a 3 year old shouldn't be able to see those videos...but he's the parent. He really should think twice about what he lets her see on T.V....I saw WAY too much.....

I get the :"you don't look like a metalhead!" comment a lot. It's even more fun to tell them that death metal is my first love after I've shown them how to interpret a blueprint, or show them how to fix a problem they are having with their computer. We agree on music a lot Iliad. I too like a lot of varieties of music but can't handle country or pop music, although I can tolerate some rap. Alternative is on the heels of metal for my tastes, and I'll gladly listen to something like the Eel's "Novocaine for the soul" after jamming Exhumed's "Dinnertime in the morgue".


I love the deep deathgrowl style of vocalization over high-pitched squeals. Some bands (like Embalmer and Viral Load) mix the two up, but I always prefer the Chuck Schuldiner style (R.I.P. Chuck). The intensity, speed, and power of really heavy metal is why I love it so. Sometimes the bands really go over the top with the lyrics but then bands like Anata and Emperor show up and reveal the depth that metal can achieve.


Lady Gaga bugs me mostly because she comes off as a less-talented copy of Madonna, who did all this risque stuff in the 80s and 90s. Since I was in control of the QC lab radio before I got laid-off, we listened to FM 102.1 alternative when my boss was in, but I attached my Ipod and jammed some really heavy metal when she wasn't.


Oh yeah lol...I guess they get more of a shock cos I'm a girl lol...mom's friend I got some cajones for listening to it :P


deep deathgrowl...oh yeah from the deepest darkest bowels :P Kalmah is my favorite band (although Ensiferum is coming pretty close to beating them out). People I know can't get past the sound of his voice (goes from a raspy growl to a very deep growl). Enjoy the beautiful fast guitars (self taught guitarists) and listen to the lyrics. They are very amazing. It's not all about death lol...Sacramentum has to be their best "slower" song..the lyrics are just amazing:


Cheering voices

The arena is waiting for me


Thousand eyes are watching me now

Noble stand I in front of those

Who have condemned me


the oath has been taken

A chance to reborn

Now it's time to earn the place among the others


Gone away the past, my name, my land

All have I lost

Now fighting for the thumb to rise, to fall

To crawl before the emperor


Falling down the sand

In a foreign land

Nothing left to stand

But the oath obligates



Metal clashes

Flames and Ashes


The way of glory or the end of story

Rise the sword and fight for freedom or destruction

Burned by fire

Bound in chains

To be beaten

Willing to die by the sword


countless are the days I've spent, I've prayed

My gods take me home

Taken are the dreams I've had

So please, please spear me now


Falling down the sand

In a foreign land

Nothing left to stand

But the oath obligates



They sing about history, swamps , war, personal struggles (drug addiction, alcoholism), fishing :P, lotsa political stuff too (One From the Stands is just wicked).


Ah Finland...home of the best metal bands in the world :D


In Flames used to have great lyrics...almost cryptic, you had to think about what they were singing about. Now, it's just typical lyrics...going from singing about Astronomy and Fantasy:


Tired of dull ages, I walk the same ground,

collecting the tragedies still

Hollow ambitions in a hollow mind

carried my cross to the hill


And how I lust for the dance and the fire

deep of the nectarine sunset to drink

spill me the wind and its fire

to steal of the colors - I'm the moonshield


Shattered hope became my guide

and grief and pain my friends

a brother pact in a blood-ink penned

declare my silent end


Naked and dying under worlds of silent stone

reaching for the moonshield that once upon us shone


to now... it's "I wanna kill myself if you don't love me" kinda crap...urgh :sick: Typical, cliche, mainstream lyrics..I was very upset when they did that...but to some bands it's all about the benjamins.I just like it when bands don't care how much money they make, how popular they are, they just sing whatever they want.


People make fun of me (mostly my stupid dad) for listening to Viking themed death metal. I say "Isn't it better to hear a song about Vikings raiding a village and fighting an epic battle instead of a grown man crying he's going to shoot himself because his woman left him?" But, it's all opinion...I don't even bother arguing with him anymore.


I've been listening to death metal for a long time...15 years now...first death metal song I ever heard..sheesh I can't remember. I think it was either At the Gates or In Flames. I've been a metalhead all my life :D Metallica was the first band I ever listened to :) I was 3 haha...played my "Kill 'Em All" tape to death :D


Kids in school thought I was a freak...but I thought they were freaks for listening to The Backstreet Boys :P It's all a matter of opinion...a tleast I listened to The Backstreet Boys to see what it was all about...they just would say Iron Maiden sucks, Metallica sucks, without even listening to it. Bah...lol. That's school for ya though...if you don't like what they like they make fun of you...kids can be so cruel about the lamest things.

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Yeah I hear you. I got that band x sucks without the person even remotely knowing what it sounded like. I always give at least one listen to something before giving my opinion, hell I even listened to a Lady Gaga song before I trashed her stuff. But when we used to have different people in charge of the QC lab radio someone put on the local pop station and I was amazed at how boring and trite all the songs were. My ally in all this was Lisa, she was a temp worker and the mother of a co-worker, and not only did she listen to good stuff (Sly and the family stone, James Brown, The Beatles, etc), but she was very open-minded about my stuff. Instead of OMG! That sucks! She was interested and made informative critiques about it. She even argued for my case when she stated that the deathgrowl vocals are just another instrument in a very intense and aggressive style of music.


I started really getting into metal in the mid 80s when I was high school, so about 25 years now. My first album was actually Helloween's Keeper of the seven keys part.one. I then grabbed Grim Reaper's stuff and then Metallica and Megadeth , followed by Slayer and then I got Death's Scream Bloody Gore and Possessed's Seven Churches and I was hooked. In college I grabbed some of Carcass' work and that really freaked people out! Impaled, Exhumed, and County Medical Examiners all started out as Carcass tribute bands, which is why they get into some gruesome lyrics. But then bands like D.R.I. and Atrophy display a more practical side of metal. As you mentioned, a lot of very solid death metal comes out of Finland and other Scandinavian countries as well. One of my favorites is Vomitory out of Sweden. I have a lot of international acts in my collection. Haemorrhage from Spain, Skinlesss from here in the USA, Venom from the UK, Tankard from Germany, Yogth-Sothoth from Colombia, Necrodeath from Italy, and others! I love the international representation of metal.


And nice lyric quotes by the way! The only In Flames' album(s) I have is The Jester Race/Black: Ash Inheritance CD which has the Moonshield song, and I have Thy Black Destiny, Far Away from the Sun, and The Coming of Chaos by Sacramentum!


To share some other lyrics here is Atrophy's song Socialized Hate:


Throughout our troubled history

man's exploited fellow man.

Displaying xenophobic fear that's hard to understand

Centuries ago in Europe things were different than today

Foreigners were treated with respect not disdain

But dreams of power soon crushed this fine ideal

They set across the ocean in search of land to steal

They subjugated natives and stripped them of their rights

Sold them into slavery to demonstrate their might.


Socialized hate

Formed by modern state


Can't you see, it's a lie

Don't you know, that they've died

Trapped, by your hate

Stereotyped, convenient

Forced to be subservient

Taught by your state

All you pseudo-Christians had yet to have your fun

You called them all subhuman

justifying what you'd done

You sold them into slavery, every last one that you could

I guess that's only natural when you say its in their blood

Soon the racist theory spread to every colony


The crimes that you committed were for everyone to see

Depleted all their hunting grounds and chopped down hallowed woods

Set your plantations on the land

where they once stood


Socialized hate

Formed by modern state


The hatred that you planted is still with us today

No longer simply slavery manifests in different ways

Keeps people in dead end jobs, reduces education

Maintain our racial stereotypes, encourages segregation

You propagate injustice saying they've done it to themselves

You lock them in your ghettos,

Deny them any wealth

The dogma you've created makes sure you never see

That underneath a different color

they're just like you and me

Socialized hate

Formed by modern state


Although it's primarily anti-racism, it can also apply to other ostracized groups of people as well.


Death started out as blood, guts, and gore, but they quickly became far more than that. The song Suicide Machine from their Human album displays this aptly:


Controlling their lives

Deciding when and how they will die

A victim of someone else's choice

The ones who suffer have no voice

Manipulating destiny

When it comes to living, no one seems to care

But when it comes to wanting out

Those with power, will be there

Prolong the pain

How long will it last?

Suicide machine

A request to die with dignity

Is that too much to ask?

Suicide machine

How easy it is to deny the pain

Of someone else's suffering


Robbed of natural abilities

In death they now seek tranquility

In a confused state of mind

Extending agony, they must be blind

Manipulating destiny


When it comes to living, no one seems to care

But when it comes to wanting out

Those with power, will be there

Prolong the pain

How long will it last?

Suicide machine

A request to die with dignity

Is that too much to ask?

Suicide machine

So depth, passion, thought, aggression, speed, introspection, existentialism, social issues, and yes gore are all represented in metal!


Edit:Cleaned up excessive quotes!

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Good stuff there :) I hate it how people generalize death metal as all about blood, guts, gore, war, death. They sing about everything :)


My uncle is a techno guy...but he actually gave Amon Amarth a listen :) He said it was actually pretty cool :) My dad won't even give anything I listen to a listen...all he says is "I can't understand it" lol..sometimes you can't...but he used to have to look up the lyrics for Pantera and other bands he used to listen to, so he can shut up lol. I think he just does it to piss me off :P But that's how he is...always makes fun of anything I like....*sigh* I don't talk to him much anymore lol.


another godly Kalmah song:


Desperate cry of a child

Who only wants to live

An innocent human being

Deprived of all his dreams


Painful faces of the others

Who once were the chosen

Innocent eyes of the child

Never going to see


The voice of crystal children

Of deaf ears it has fallen

And the preacher delivers a sermon

But who's ready for salvation


Remembrance behind the scene

Of unjustice and injustice

In the forsaken faces

Expression of frustration


The voice of crystal children

Of deaf ears it has fallen

And the preacher delivers a sermon

But who's ready for salvation


Another one I just love...so expressive.


Or Holy Symphony of War


State of the world today

Nothing but the same

Violence and disgrace

And no-one to blame


A murder on a TV-screen

The adults playing their game

PlayStation controls children's lives

As they grow up they'll do the same


I sing - you sing - we all sing

Holy Symphony of War


Fearful thoughts hide in people's minds

Control those who can't deny

Under the patronage of steel

The great man is turning the wheel


Behind the scenery of abundance

No-one hates more than the poor

The scribe are spreading the word

Declare the peace in the name of war


I sing - you sing - we all sing

Holy Symphony of War


I was rather shocked...how political they can be. Thought that was only for the punk genre haha

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Illiad86, you said you're into viking death metal? Here's two bands that I think you should give a shot:




Tough they're more folk/black they sound a little deathish i think, atleast they sing about vikings :P






I think they used to sing about vikings and stuff but I've not listen to them so much so I might be wrong. More death here anyway.




I'm not sure if you call this death metal anyway, I'm more into viking, folk or black metal. Just tought I'd share.

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Ensiferum is godly :D I love them! They are coming close to beating out Kalmah as my favourite band ;) Lyrics are just epic :D Just awesome that the singer from Norther is their singer now :D Used to listen to Norther...kinda embarrassed to admit that lol :whistling: But he's got a great voice :)
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Yeah they are, I haven't had time to listen to much of thier songs but I have to say Token of Time is a real masterpiece. Finland really do produce a lot of great heavy metal music, most of my favorite bands actually comes from Scandinavia.
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Yeah they are, I haven't had time to listen to much of thier songs but I have to say Token of Time is a real masterpiece. Finland really do produce a lot of great heavy metal music, most of my favorite bands actually comes from Scandinavia.

i myself prefer the more north american, or english bands

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