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Annoying GECK problem


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When I open the GECK and load a data, it gives me errors, lotsof them. I just press ''Yes'' until they're all gone. The errors come back when I try to exit the GECK. Thing is, after getting rid of them during exiting, they give my computer a huge lag so it takes 5 minutes to close the program. Help? (The errors don't cause anything during modding.)
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Problem condition: not resolved. Can someone tell me how to disable warnings?


Also, when I rename a container, some of the other containers get renamed aswell. This mistake is made by lots of people. How do we avoid that?

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The dialog box that is generated when the error occurs should have a say yes to all button.


The second problem is that you are not creating a new form id, if you use the old form id you are effectively overwriting all instances of that object eg, your fridge, you need to create a new form id or simply a new library version which you can in turn use.

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The box said if I wanted to disable the messages I should press Yes to all, but there was no Yes to all button. And someone else warned me about the Editor ID thing aswell. I'll look to it and remake those two mods I have.


Also, because of another problem I had in Fallout 3(VATS would make F3 crash to desktop) and I wanted to get rid of a lot of mods, I reinstalled F3 and all the other programs(including GECK) and I don't get the error messages anymore.

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Nope, I was wrong. The errors always appear when loading an area. Can someone tell me how to disable the warnings manually?
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Well the error screen is pretty regular. It has options Yes, No, and Cancel but no Yes to all. It usually says ''You havent choosen xxx texture''.
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