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Completly remove profanity?


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I was wondering if anyone could make a mod that completly removes the f-word from the game. i want my 10 year old bro to play, but he does not know the f-word yet, and my parents dont want him learning it. i just need the f-word muted. also it needs to be removed from npc text boxes and replies that you choose from. for the text if you need to replace it just replace it with [Censored] and it would be perfect. if any1 can help me with a mod like this please post.
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Editing Fallout completely would be an absolute nightmare, and that's just for the text. Editing the voice files would be an even bigger nightmare. Technically it's a piece of cake, just go through the dialogue options one by one for however many thousands of them there are and remove it. Note the names of the audio files corresponding to the edited text entries then unpack the voices bsa and use an audio program (ie, Audacity) to mute the offending sections, then pack it all up again. Dunno how easy it would be to guess what they're saying from the lipscync files, but if you want to edit that too... you get the picture. Never going to be worth the effort, maybe unless you force them to play with the whole lot muted and just edit the text: Still a truck load of work though.


For what it's worth, its really only the nastier side of town where you see people swearing: As long as they aren't going to RP a psychopath you really don't see it that often. Oh, and don't go to Point Lookout... Desmond is a real pleasure to be around.


Honestly though: worrying about swearing in the context of some of the story/graphics elements of FO is like worrying if you've left the oven on after jumping off a bridge.

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Honestly though: worrying about swearing in the context of some of the story/graphics elements of FO is like worrying if you've left the oven on after jumping off a bridge.


I second the motion, you could also try to hit up the quick reply thread to see if there is any mods already out there.

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try those (the remove gore thought it would make it a bit more suitable for a ten year old)

as for the cussing im not sure but i will look

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Either Children of the Wasteland or Childhood Beginnings folks did it for the word "mungo" -- but, there are a lot fewer NPCs who use the word mungo in the game, pretty much just the Little Lamplighters.


F-bomb, on the other hand... that's really asking a lot to edit it out of the dialog in the game.


Not only that but the word is written in various places, one notable one being right behind a door at one of the SatCom arrays. I'm pretty sure there are other non-dialog occurrences of it scattered throughout the game as well.


Even if it were edited out of dialog, it'd be pretty obvious that something was edited out, which may lead to uncomfortable questions. And what if even one occurrence is missed (particularly the easy-to-miss non-dialog instances)? Well...oops. I think the best option is to either tell your parents to teach the kid about cussing (best), or just not let him play the game. 'sides, they'll have to have that talk with him sooner or later anyway.

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