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Random Respawn mod request


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Hello all, this is my first post.


I don't really like going to the same bit of a game and there being another load of baddies that are the same as the previous ones, to me it just spoils things. I have got a mod which gives me the choice of respawn times, but the baddies that respawn will be the same as those that were there in the first place.


So I was wondering if someone could make a spawn mod which randomly decides when baddies respawn and also randomly decides which baddies to put in that place?


What I mean is, the mod can choose a random repsawn time between say 7 days and maybe 6 months and also between the types of baddies that do respawn, such as a few smugglers and then maybe a few vicious dogs and then some other baddies etc.


I mean, any vacant building or bit of ground could be re-occupied by different people over different timescales, so why not in a game?





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