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What would happen if I merged the Oblivion esm, SI esp,


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If you merge the si.esp, the BSAs of SI can't be found by the game...so it's a bad idea. The same for KOTN and indeed as LFact says, it'll probably not be manageable by the tools. They already start to complain at .esps of 40 mb...imagine one of 270mb+.
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Would any bad things happen to my game?

Oblivion.esm would be damaged because it would contain an ESPs changes (and ESMs do not normally modify physical aspects of the game) and the SI resources would not load. That is definitely a bad idea. Why in the world would it ever be necessary to do that? Merge something else...



Edit: The KoTN resources would not load either.

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The Idea arose from trying to figure out every way I could cut down on the number of ESMs, and ESPs that I have in my load order/am using (if I'm not using it, its not in the load order at all).

I gave up on this a while ago because of the size issue, just too much for Gecko I suppose, lolz.

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