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Qunari redone in DA2


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We all saw the Qunari in Origins and they looked pretty human. Now in DA2, the Qunari has gotten a make over and looks more "interesting".






Before you freak, remember the codex...




Anyone who travels far enough to the north will eventually encounter the qunari: White-haired, bronze-skinned giants, a head again taller than a man, with frighteningly calm demeanors and a sort of sparkling fire behind their eyes.


For quite a long time, people believed that all qunari were male, or that their men and women were simply indistinguishable. It was not until the Blessed Age that diplomats from Rivain were allowed, however briefly, to visit Par Vollen, and there they discovered that qunari females do exist in abundance, and are quite easily recognized. The Rivaini say that qunari have a certain kindness to them, or at least a conspicuous lack of cruelty, although I did not observe the creatures closely enough to evaluate their character.



There was no comment about horns. I think the new design explains why ogres have horns now. Edit: As for the skin, I think is either a lighter complexion or war paint.



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There was no comment about horns. I think the new design explains why ogres have horns now. Edit: As for the skin, I think is either a lighter complexion or war paint.



Here's a bit more on the subject from a Game Informer interview that at least addresses the "Qunari have horns?" issue:




[GI] The most striking difference was the addition of horns. As it turns out, Dragon Age lore has an answer for why we havent seen them on qunari before.


Not all qunari have horns, says Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider. Some are born without them, but it has never been considered a defect. Instead the mark is considered special, indicating one who is clearly meant for a special role in their societyas a Ben-Hassrath who enforces religious law or as an envoy to other races. It is also not uncommon for qunari who abandon their beliefs to remove their own horns, for reasons not yet clear.


[see link above.]



Interesting idea of a connection with Ogres. I hadn't before considered that the DA Lore paralleled Tolkien's in that there was supposed to be a genetic relationship between the "dark" side and the "light" side inhabitants: Orc/Elf, Troll/Ent, Uruk-Hai/Orc-Human, Crebain/Crow, Gollum/Hobbit. (Ok, that last isn't the same thing! :laugh: ) But now that I think on it, the original DarkSpawn were the corrupted Tevinter Mages who attempted to o'er throw the Maker, weren't they?

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This makes sense to me now where Ogre's come from. Already in the game I figured that genlocks were dwarves, hurlocks humans, and shrieks elves (based on Tamlen's appearance at camp with the shrieks). But I could not connect the Ogre's to anything. And this reasoning for the Qunari sounds like a page from the old Star Trek, specifically the first movie when they first introduced Klingons without smooth heads.
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Yeah, makes a lot of sense to differentiate the Qunari instead of leaving them looking like depressed Basketball players.


I actually think the new look is fantastic and just what the game needed. I also hope there are no single model races anymore, we need more differentiation in the race models. Take a page out of the Borderlands book of randomness even if they only applied it to Guns. That method can be applied to ANY 3D model type in games.

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... I also hope there are no single model races anymore, we need more differentiation in the race models. Take a page out of the Borderlands book of randomness even if they only applied it to Guns. That method can be applied to ANY 3D model type in games.

Good point. Anyone remember the West Wing episode when there's a long tracking shot of Allison Janney (6') and Kristin Chenoweth (4' 11") walking side-by-side down a hallway. Janney does a quick down/up look over at Chenoweth and quips, "Hard to believe we're the same species!" :laugh:

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Yeah, I think I'd have to agree that its most likely warpaint. Tho they dont really seem the type to use it. Then again, its just a concept art. We know how much those can or can't relate to actual game material. I mean.... look at the outfit that the concept art for Zev had.....


Unless maybe its those rebels against the Qun that sten talks about?


Not a fan of the horns myself.

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