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Oblivion Crashing after 1 game hour

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I noticed that when I slept, it wouldn't even reach an hour before crashing on me. I've waited

instead of sleeping, it crashed. I've fast traveled, it crashed, and traveled, it crashed.


I'm unsure if this has something to do with my vampirism or the

Servant of the Dawn, I'm at the final missions, the battle days and

past day 19 from what I've read is supposed to be when I'm contacted by

the messenger. I think day 20 or 21. Some internal clock, I'm pretty sure of it.

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The length of time you can play before a crash can be related to the amount of available ram when you play. Oblivion is notorious for not managing ram very well, it doesn't release it for reuse as well as it should. What this means is it can run out of ram and crash when it needs more. Whenever you use save on sleep, travel & rest, it makes a save which grabs a chunk of memory, if there isn't enough ram at that time, it will crash.


You can try to free up more memory by shutting down background processes before you play - however that will only give you a little more time before the crash. - I use a free program called Gamebooster to kill off many of the background processes.


Another possibility is to clear (flush) the buffers occasionally, especially just before making a save. There are several mods that can do this automatically. One that comes to mind is streamline - be sure to read all of the extensive documentation as it can cause other problems.


Here is a link to Bben's Crash Help for more suggestions


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Disablining mods didn't help, but I downloaded the gameboost and didn't help,

though pretty cool.


Anyways, I don't know if or how it's fixed, but hopefully I won't have anymore trouble.

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Adding Streamline and OSR should help extend the life of the game - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=stabilization_and_optimization_mods#OBSEPlugins


Make sure the two are setup not to stomp on each other, however:

Streamline.ini Setup - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=streamline_ini_setup

Mod INI Tweaks - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=mod_ini_tweaks

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This sounds to me like it is a timed event that is failing.


By chance, is game time close to midnight? If so, then something is probably triggering at the start of a new day.


For instance, The Elder Council updates various ships in the Imperial Navy based on day of week.


I had experienced the exact same thing, crash no matter what I did, till I tracked it down to something that would be changing settings at the start of a new day, which helped me track it down to The Elder Council mod.

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