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Cookies' Approved Community Gamesaves List


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I love Tesnexus in all but I contracted gamesave overload looking through page after page for a female character that met my satisfaction. I feel as though you may also feel the same way. I have gone through 90 pages worth of gamesaves to find the characters that met my specification of good looking faces that are not generic, weird races, and don’t look like crap. Through the 900 saves available and had posted images, only 5% met the perquisites and qualifications of quality! I narrowed the choices to 29 female and 16 male links.




Background Story: Female Saves are really all I use in Oblivion and RPGs that have NPCs that recognize gender. I have always found NPC's treat you better and so that's my reason as playing the other gender. Now being a guy, I can much more easily pick which gamesaves are natural and well-rounded. The list of female gamesaves met my full Satisfaction and ought to meet yours!


Note: External = Website Other Than Tesnexus


Top 5:


1. Maigret’s Angelica link with an updated “readme.txt” (external)- This link forwards you to the save’s posting on Tesalliance; however, you must register an account to download any content. Recommend this small residual of experienced developers’ site (human).


Direct Download of Maigret’s Angelica Save (external)- This is a download via a French website. I also forgot to tell you that clicking on the button called "telecharger" means download! So you should click that if the download doesn't appear Immediately (human).


2. TheOneOhOne’s Jena – The diamond in the rough with 0 endorsements at the time of viewing (elf).


3. MystykStars’ Sorinya- (human)


4. Ludicrous’ Three Imperial Pack- The whole package of saves meet Expectations.


5. Beorin’s Lineage II Elf


The gamesaves shall be categorized into the categories of Elves, Humans, and Celebrities. The gamesaves mentioned in the top 5 are not included below.


Note: If there is reference to one character and it belongs to a file with multiple characters, then I only felt that that specific character with that name met my requirements. Ex. Dimon99’s Snowflake, There are 3 characters in the available download but only the Character named Snowflake met my expectations.




Dimon99’s Snowflake


Floydian1’s Sia


Ludicrous’ Eyriel


Holedown’s Sen


Ddotdave’s Soulney


Godsmack62’s Sky


Banazrad’s Unnamed Mystic Elf


Neoimagine’s Aerowyn


Tyrielle's Audrey Hepburn






Urrl’s Kristen


Walko’s Antonia Octavia Belle


Ludicrous’ Jeanne Charis


Hide0128’s Black Luster Tommy’s Character


Crimson_King’s Genevieve Dieudonne


Phitt’s Kyra


Lfact’s Crimhildt


Umpa’s Celebrities- Since they are not named they lie in this category.




Freespeedingbird’s BloodRayne- Props for accuracy!


Ghost13’s Brooke Shields


Etherealsilk’s Carmela Decesare


Ghost13’s Alisha Silverstone


Ghost13’s Jessica Biel


Jr2nd's Majandra Delfino


Walko’s Patricia Cameron




Background Story: Female characters litter Tesnexus and sorting through all of them was pain-staking. After posting the list of approved female saves I felt it was my obligation to complete the list with a male gamesaves list. However being a guy, there is a gender gap in decisiveness in eliminating my choices. That was why there was such a delay in updating the whole list with male gamesaves. There are a total of 16 male game saves that ought to meet your satisfaction.


Top 5:


1. Solo2010’s Aragorn Version 2- From Lord of the Rings


2. Urrl’s Ian


3. SydneyB’s Blane


4. SydneyB’s Fabio


5. MystykStars’ Garrett


The gamesaves shall be categorized into the categories of Humans, Celebrities, and Dunmer. The gamesaves mentioned in the top 5 are not included below.


Note: If there is reference to one character and it belongs to a file with multiple characters, then I only felt that that specific character with that name met my standards. Ex. Dimon99’s Snowflake, There are 3 characters in the available download but only the Character named Snowflake met my expectations.




Walko’s Arnulf


kl055’s Generic Male Beauty Gamesaves


lhammonds’ Walko


Biohazardo’s Lucien Lahance




Urrl’s Jack Black


Ryanbowden’s Chuck Norris- I would have gotten roundhouse kicked for not adding Chuck.


Codyl’s Cloud Strife


Dragens’ Prince of Persia


Conny Bengtsson’s Sir Sean Connery


ArturIII’s Steven Seagal




Donpedro28’s Thoras





Final Comment:


I hope that the list I have posted will be your one stop all for finding great quality game saves. I am not the best with checking up and updating posts regularly in advance. Thank you for considering evaluating my list and I thank Maigret for their contribution of uploading the Angelica save on TesAlliance. :thumbsup:

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Update: After giving it some thought, I'm going to do some research and compile a list of approved male gamesaves to add! :happy: Oh yeah, hope you like list though.


Update 2: Got it updated finally!

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Would it be possible to add in a category for save games that aren't for cosmetics, but rather for playtesting and the like? I find myself constantly searching for such things. The things I like to see in such a save game:

1. Already includes high stats and a good weapon.

2. Not dependent on other mods/beauty packs/body replacers.

3. Includes torches in the inventory.

4. Main quest complete (Maybe)


I never have time to level up my own character in Oblivion, and it's too hard to dig through the thousands of hot female save games to find one.

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Would it be possible to add in a category for save games that aren't for cosmetics, but rather for playtesting and the like? I find myself constantly searching for such things. The things I like to see in such a save game:

1. Already includes high stats and a good weapon.

2. Not dependent on other mods/beauty packs/body replacers.

3. Includes torches in the inventory.

4. Main quest complete (Maybe)


I never have time to level up my own character in Oblivion, and it's too hard to dig through the thousands of hot female save games to find one.


Hmm... so you wish for a category that has gamesaves that already have the main quests completed preferably and have some good progression in skills so that you can mess around with them basically? Is that basically what you want because that would be easy to add such a category.

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Pretty much saves that are good for doing playtesting with. I need saves that are capable of running a difficult dungeon (Ones that lack torches are my biggest irritant, but now I have the code for them memorized anyways).
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