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I need help with a companion problem..


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Ok so i downloaded CM Kyle_Shamika...and messed with his armor and face and race in the CS, but he gets way to much agro...can anyone make it to where the monsters would rather attack em than him???? he gets all the fights lol so if anyoen knows what to do pls help^^



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No its just that no matter what companion i use or what weapon they have they are the target of monsters and people...just was wondering if there is a way to change that?
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So is everything attacking them or just your enemies? Or do you mean once you start a fight the enemy focuses more on the partner than you? One thing you can do is when you speak to your partners tell them to use combat style "passive" I think it is. Mine will often draw more aggro than me, its just a matter of you doing more damage to them so you get their attention. Maybe turn down the partners stats abit if you tweaked them.
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when i set him as passive he wont even fight he just stands there...dont know why but yeah i start a fight and everything runs by me to him and start attacking him even if he is just standing there, i really dont understand why
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That is a common issue with most companions I have used: they automatically draw more agro than the player, just for existing. Nothing I could do would change this. I am told it is a bug in vanilla Oblivion. The only one I have found does not is Vilja (found here one the Nexus), who apparently has extensive scripts to prevent this.
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When you open you partner in the editor, on the fist tab is the box checked for level offset? Then in another box it says like minimum offset and theres usually a number 1 in there. Try changing that to like a 3. I think that is how many levels below the partner stays. But as he said if its a bug, might not help.
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That is a common issue with most companions I have used: they automatically draw more agro than the player, just for existing. Nothing I could do would change this. I am told it is a bug in vanilla Oblivion. The only one I have found does not is Vilja (found here one the Nexus), who apparently has extensive scripts to prevent this.


Hi Triveck :smile:


I also read the same thing quoted above and have found it to be true. I guess it doesn't happen with Vilja, I'm so used to it happening, I don't notice. BUT, all monsters will always go for the companion before they go for you. The way I've circumvented this, is to try and step in front of them, or be close enough to get the first blow. I use staves, so sometimes I'll wound or kill an enemy before we get close enough for it to get to any of my companions.


Hope that helps!


P.S.- let me know if you didn't get my last PM about the armor.

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