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OBSE: Oblivion.exe not found?


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Right, So i downloaded OBSE, and did all the requirements you need to do for it to work. I downloaded a mod, Companion share and recruit to be exact, and then ran OBSE launcher. it failed the first couple of times, then i somehow got it to work. The mod came into the data files folder, and everything was just great. However, i downloaded two more mods, and now its saying this whenever i try to execute OBSE Launcher: "Oblivion.exe not found. Please place OBSE into the folder Oblivion.exe is in." Well, thats not exactly what it said, but thats what it was trying to get to me. So, i have oblivionlauncher in the folder, But apparently, that wont cut it. I searched everywhere for oblivion.exe, And i cant find it for the life of me. No, im not asking for a illegal link to download oblivion.exe, im asking where to find it in the GOTY edition of TES IV. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.


If it helps:


- I have to download the mods on this computer, burn them to a disk, bring the disk to my laptop, and then install the files to the folder where obse is in.


- The other two mods are Lost paladins of the divines and a sephiroth mod that gave you two save files, custom items, and a custom race.


- Oblivion has NEVER given me a problem before the mods came along.


- I doubt my laptop is the problem. Its new, and its pretty damn good if i say so myself.

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Back up all mods that you have and try reinstalling the game. (Also backup save games which are normally found in My Documents / Games / Oblivion. Tell me if it works, however, BEFORE you do this, check your Trash Bin. I know it's unlikely, but you never know.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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If you have installed the Shivering Isles beta patch (, don't worry - download and follow the instructions in the autopatcher and it will walk you through getting the original Oblivion.exe off of your DVD. Then you can apply the patch.


Have a read here: Linky

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My god.

I uninstalled the game, reinstalled the game, installed the 1.2.0416 patch, Installed the autopatcher, and now, when i run the patch, its saying "Old file not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file updates do not match."

I dont want a patch. I want mods. But apparently, it has to be complicated as hell.

"You need OBSE. Oh, you need oblivion.exe too. and autopatcher. and the 1.2 patch. And god knows what else."

I'm detecting a pattern of things that will continue to piss me off.

So, now that i got that off my chest, what am i F**king up on now?

P.S I havent personally went to a site and downloaded any patch, i just downloaded everything from the two discs i got.

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My god.

I uninstalled the game, reinstalled the game, installed the 1.2.0416 patch, Installed the autopatcher, and now, when i run the patch, its saying "Old file not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file updates do not match."

I dont want a patch. I want mods. But apparently, it has to be complicated as hell.

"You need OBSE. Oh, you need oblivion.exe too. and autopatcher. and the 1.2 patch. And god knows what else."

I'm detecting a pattern of things that will continue to piss me off.

So, now that i got that off my chest, what am i F**king up on now?

P.S I havent personally went to a site and downloaded any patch, i just downloaded everything from the two discs i got.


'I dont want a patch. I want mods' -> You need to update the game to make most of mods working. If you have GoTY, just install Shivering Isles if you want, otherwise, you need Oblivion 1.2.0416 patch(it depends on the game language). You don't need autopatcher thing unless you installed beta patch before, since 1.2.0416 is the last version.


- Install your game.

- If you want to deal with Shivering Isles, install it, too. If you have GoTY, installing SI will update your game to 1.2.0416 as well. If not, then you need to get the patch.

- If you didn't install SI but you want to update the game, get Oblivion patch. If you installed SI, but it's not from GoTY package, you need to get SI patch.

- Note: If your OS is Windows Vista or later, installing your game other than the default folder is recommended to avoid UAC issues.

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