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Minecrafters! I have need of assistance...


So, do I have your attention yet? I have a question regarding a mob trap.


Current, as it stands, it runs from bedrock to 30 blocks up. From there, there are three levels that channel the mobs down to a set of redstone-wired doors. Those doors can be toggled open or close from the floor. Each layer is 15x15x2, with water channels to feed to the holes. I'd say a 5th of the area is lost to the channels, but that still leaves 540 blocks for mobs to spawn. Most everywhere outside the trap is lit with torches, I've got a subterranean diamond mine lit to increase the likelihood of them spawning in the trap... but it just doesn't seem to be working. I get about a dozen or so mobs, then it slows to almost a stop, and then a few trickle out 1 or 2 at at time, minutes apart.


Any suggestions for fixing/modifying? Or any other recommendations for a replacement?

Edited by RZ1029
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Minecrafters! I have need of assistance...


So, do I have your attention yet? I have a question regarding a mob trap.


Current, as it stands, it runs from bedrock to 30 blocks up. From there, there are three levels that channel the mobs down to a set of redstone-wired doors. Those doors can be toggled open or close from the floor. Each layer is 15x15x2, with water channels to feed to the holes. I'd say a 5th of the area is lost to the channels, but that still leaves 540 blocks for mobs to spawn. Most everywhere outside the trap is lit with torches, I've got a subterranean diamond mine lit to increase the likelihood of them spawning in the trap... but it just doesn't seem to be working. I get about a dozen or so mobs, then it slows to almost a stop, and then a few trickle out 1 or 2 at at time, minutes apart.


Any suggestions for fixing/modifying? Or any other recommendations for a replacement?

Mobs only spawn in a range of between 16 and 64 blocks from you. So it may be a matter of being too close, or too far. Where exactly mobs spawn is also kinda random, so your best bet for any device is to make use of caves which have a fairly high mob density.

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Woah.. Take a look at what my game looks like now..



I installed Misa's 4x Realistic Textures and Ambient Occlusion (Which includes a better grass module for realistically grassed hills). Looks better than modern games that were designed with graphics in mind. Lags a bit, but not too noticeable.

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Not bad, not bad. I might download that. Any other mods you recommend? I've been sneaking around the Minecraft forums and have seen some pretty cool stuff, from bridges and elevators to unicorns and dragons.


Also, as a note: my previous issue with my mob trap has been resolved, I built it up an extra three stories and fixed a water flow issue I didn't realize I had and it has resolved all issues with spawning!

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According to the site, the game is going Beta on the 20th. If you haven't bought it yet, I'd suggest buying it now, because the price will double and according to the blog, those who buy it in Beta won't get the later updates for free.
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