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Alternate start back stories for role playing


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Name: Darovi

Race: Kahjiit

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Date of Birth: 8th Suns Dusk 4E 174

Family History: Due to Emperor Antiochus Septim's well know debauchery, his daughter; Empress Kintyra Septim II was not his only child. He had several illegitimate children, the first of whom was born when he was

just the age of 18 in the year of 3E 69. This child, whose name has long since been forgotten, was taken back to his mother's homeland of Elsweyr when Antiochus proved more than unwilling to provide for the newborn and his mother. The affair was entirely covered up, in order to prevent it from being used to prove Antiochus' unsuitability for the responsibilities of Emperor. This child remained completely undiscovered by Antiochus' family and by the time his father had been crowned Emperor, the child had spent his early life in the moon sugar plantations and had managed to become an overseer to a small plantation on Khenarthi's roost. 13 years later, at the time of his father's death he was thanking his fortunes that his mother left for Elsweyr when she did. For not only had he met his mate during his time in Elsweyr but the long distance from Skyrim had protected him from Potema's gaze.

Darovi was the 6th daughter and final child of a pair of sugar tooths who had 9 children all together. Her siblings Jo'bara and Do'Navi being the last members of her family to depart from the living. Darovi's parents both met the same end as many a sugar tooth of Elsweyr. Ma'Rina her eldest sibling whom she had never met, sustained fatal injuies after falling from one of Khenarthi's roost's cliffs at the age of 9. S'shura, Ma'rina's litter-mate was killed by Maomer raiders before her 26th birthday. Dar'min their brother was caught stealing from an Imperial merchant and was killed by his guards 3 years later. Ma'kuna was apprenticed to an alchemist when an accident caused her death at the age of 16. Jo'bara died at the age of 30 when she lost control of a fire spell and her fur caught alight. S'Riba died at the age of 22 when she was caught dealing skooma into cyrodiil in 4E 192 and the Imperial officers decided to make an example of her. M'Bana lived for just 4 years when he was killed by a rougue Senche Tiger whilst out playing with Darovi and Do'Navi. Do'Navi, who took Ma'bana's death very hard, became a warrior to prevent other such events from happening, he died at the age of 24 when he fell foul of a group of bandits and didn't survive the encounter.

Fears: Fire - Despite having been taught the basic flame spell by her sister Jo'bara when Darovi was 10, being witness to Jo'bara's death would lead to a deep seated fear of fire magic and a reluctance to use fire even from non magical sources.

Life: Darovi as Dar'min had before her decided to follow the path her natural skills left for her. With her dark fur and quick reflexes stealing from the same Imperial merchants that had gotten her brother killed, quickly became very profitable. When she further expanded into her sister's line of work, skooma dealing at the age of 25, she became a top priorty capture for Imperial enforcers and Aldmeri Dominion alike. However when both parties started to go after her sister in order to get to her, culminating in the accident that caused Jo'bana's death in 4E 200, Darovi decided to leave the skooma trade. She chose to join one of the caravans leaving Elsweyr for Skyrim so that, by the time she returned to Elsweyr she would no longer be hunted as a criminal. Unfortunately being a guard for the caravans was not as lucrative as she had hoped and the bad reputation they held in Skyrim could only hurt her own further. This coupled with the profits that could be made on the war, was the reason she set out on her own.

Likes: The smell of moon sugar - Growing up on the plantations means that the smell of moon sugar and moon sugar itself reminds her of Elsweyr and of home. Skooma - Whilst Khajiit have a greater resistance to skooma than other races those who deal skooma will naturally try some at some point during their career. Darovi was no different. Whilst no addict, she appreciates the taste and sights it gives her and if she gets ahold of any, would rather keep it for personal use than sell it, and possibly get into dealing skooma again.

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Nah, that's not too much! That's a great back story! What did Yserelie do to her father when she finally caught up to him? Was it a quick kill? Or did she toy with him for a while...? (sound of creepy music in the background)

Sorry for not replying for a few days, I haven't logged into Nexus in a few days. And, thanks! It took me a while to come up with it.


Yserelie, finally finding her father, doesn't kill him. She feels that she can't lose him again, even though he doesn't know who she is.

She continues to visit the Bannered Mare and just talks to him. He finds this weird at first, but began to enjoy her company.

Soon, Yserelie begins to think of her mother and what happened to her. How she could have been alive if Amaund only helped.

While Amaund was sleeping one night, Yserelie sneaks in and slits his throat. All the while, tears spilling down her face.

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Diary entry - date: unknown, I am completely high on skooma and have drunk several bottles of alto wine. Where am I ? Rorikstead, I think. Who gives a s#*!?


My name is Vianto. I am a witch hunter. Whatever that means. I came to Skyrim from High Rock, hearing about the rise of the dragons, and the rise of their deathless priests, raising undead nords, woprshippers of the ancient dragons. I am a servant of Arkay, a hunter of necromancers and destroyer of their corpse-servants.


Since being here I have seen more Draugr, skeletons, zombies and other dead things that are still moving than I can poke a stick at. Don't even get me started on the vampires. The dawnguard wanna take them on? Go right ahead guys, knock yourself out.


Since I got here, I can't even walk half a mile of a ruin without some kind of lurching horror coming at me. I'm not sure if they have been raised by necromancers or dragon priests or what. I've also encountered locals who have become sick and then subsequently died and become zombies, spraying green puke at me the minute I get close.


Witchhunter. What the f*#@ was I thinking? I should have stayed in High Rock, enchanting steel swords with soul trap. Every second f*#@ing thing I meet in Skyrim is undead, or sick of some kind of disease and about to become undead. To hell with the dragons, they aren't bothering me that much. Every couple of miles I find some kind of reanimated dead thing trying to slap me and spray germs all over me.


Now I am in a tavern, getting blind drunk and high from some healer who's skooma is obviously watered down with fungal swamp pods or some other stinking s#*! from the marsh. I don't care. I've seen enough dead things to last a lifetime. Where does one go in Tamriel to get away from things that should otherwise stay in the ground and not move anymore?


I even tried to escape to a skooma den to lose myself and found the damn thing being run by vampires. Blood-sucking bastards! I don't care about the actual blood sucking, but the price of their skooma was OUTRAGEOUS! So now I am in Rorikstead, getting drunk, having my ear chewed off by some horse-thief's butt-ugly sister who is complaining that at least her horse thief stealing brother managed to get out of Rorikstead and find some adventure. At this point I feel like one of the huge variety of undead that I have so far encountered would make better company.


Anyway, hopefully tomorrow's journey will be better. I have been told by a travelling bard that there are great riches in a place in the central mountain range of Skyrim, of which even a small portion would set a fellow up for life with just a little bit of delving in the ruins. I believe he called it "Labyrinthian". So long as there are not too many undead there, I think it might be a good bet to plunder some loot and set myself up in one of the cities here, and not have to worry about undead, or dragons or zombie plagues etc..


Ok I am rambling now, I'm pretty sure that healer dropped something in my vegetable soup, the vegetables are now doing a waltz at the bottom of the bowl, like some kind of weird underwater ballet....


Nighty night!

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Sorry for not replying for a few days, I haven't logged into Nexus in a few days. And, thanks! It took me a while to come up with it.

Yserelie, finally finding her father, doesn't kill him. She feels that she can't lose him again, even though he doesn't know who she is.

She continues to visit the Bannered Mare and just talks to him. He finds this weird at first, but began to enjoy her company.

Soon, Yserelie begins to think of her mother and what happened to her. How she could have been alive if Amaund only helped.

While Amaund was sleeping one night, Yserelie sneaks in and slits his throat. All the while, tears spilling down her face.



Nah, that's not too much! That's a great back story! What did Yserelie do to her father when she finally caught up to him? Was it a quick kill? Or did she toy with him for a while...? (sound of creepy music in the background)

Sorry for not replying for a few days, I haven't logged into Nexus in a few days. And, thanks! It took me a while to come up with it.


Yserelie, finally finding her father, doesn't kill him. She feels that she can't lose him again, even though he doesn't know who she is.

She continues to visit the Bannered Mare and just talks to him. He finds this weird at first, but began to enjoy her company.

Soon, Yserelie begins to think of her mother and what happened to her. How she could have been alive if Amaund only helped.

While Amaund was sleeping one night, Yserelie sneaks in and slits his throat. All the while, tears spilling down her face.


Whoa Blouvelvet! For a minute there I thought that Yserelie was going to try and re-establish some kind of relationship with her father. Then obviously the " YOU BASTARD!" factor kicked in and she sent him to Sithis. Ha ha!

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Diary entry 2. Date: several days after the last entry. I am in the night gate inn, nursing frostbite and multiple bruises from running my ass off in witch plate armor. I have spent my last few septims on a room and the first warm meal I have eaten in a week. I am partly drunk on mead but lucid enough to contemplate the traveling bard who told me about the easy loot in labyrinthian. And I am trying to think about the cruelest way of murdering him.


Based on his advice I spent most of my money on a horse and gear for my expedition to the ruins and after a long arduous ride into the mountains avoiding bandits and wolves I get to the main temple door and find someone has removed the bloody handle! Then I heard my horse scream and turned to see its head being torn off by a frost troll! I managed to climb up ontop of a broken stone pillar as a couple more trolls joined in the feeding frenzy and then came after me.


I sat freezing and s#*!-scared on that damn stone spraying feeble spurts of Mage fire at them which just singed their fur and made them really mad. I managed to get away when a group of riders came galloping through the ruins and the trolls started chasing them. This shiny new witch plate armor I bought for witch hunting nearly killed me as I was running away.


I managed to make it here to night gate almost dead from exposure and now I think I'll have to sell my damned armor to be able to move on.


To hell with Skyrim!


Vianto - the ex-witch hunter

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I was born on a cart as an adult. Apparently I knew the native tongue too. I was on my way to an execution it seems from what the men around me seem to talk about. That's when I thought, "wtf - I'm a grown man born on a cart with no females", started to think it was some sort of necromancy. But then the big bang hit me "I was born less than a minute ago, how can I know what necromancy even is?".


That's when my hands froze, I picked up my shirt with chained hands, slowly awaiting anticipation, and there was a belly button! How! How do I even know what they are! How do the people around me not notice a random nord just pop up in a cart out of nowhere! Is this some sort of conspiracy? O well the air is nice. Wait how can I know the air is nice, it's the only air I've tried, I have yet to compare different types of air.


That is when my character went crazy and started living in a delusion that he's some sort of heroic dragon-born, when really he's just screaming. He thinks his shout is so powerful it knocks all the food off the table, but really it's the people getting scared and star to panic so they hide, knocking the plates over while trying to hide from you.


He never understood why he would go to jail for displaying to the royals his apparent gift of being the only one of his kind in almost 1000 years, but he went on, killed mud crabs, smoked skooma, got his alchemy high enough that he learned to make a water soluble skooma to inject (with a syringe made from blacksmithing), and shouted across the lands! I am Dragonborne!

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Diary entry 3. Some day in Frostfall I think


I'm not sure how many days it's been since I wrote as I have been under some kind of illusion spell for a while. The last thing I remember is being in the Nightgate inn, roaring drunk and trying to barter my witch plate armor for more mead. The door banged open, the blizzard came bursting in and everyone went quiet just as I commented to the barmaid "that horker stew was good enough for talos!"


The next thing I knew I was being dragged out into the snow by Thalmor soldiers and that bastard in the black robe cast a spell at me. When I came to I was in the middle of an attack by storm cloak soldiers and in my haste to run I smashed into a thalmor soldier mid sword thrust and he missed the stormcloak he was aiming for and got the thalmor wizard in the back!


So now the stormcloaks think I am a hero and I am sitting around a fire in a stormcloak camp, wearing some dead guys stinking armor and plotting an ambush on an imperial patrol.


Earlier, I had some idiot tell me that he used to be an adventurer like me but then he took an arrow in the knee. Even showed me the scar to prove it. Then before you know it, half the camp was trying to out do one another, showing scars of where they had taken their arrows and suddenly the camp is pissed drunk, naked and brawling around the campfire. f*#@ing idiots. There's no decent wine and just roasted skeever to eat and no chance to run. I'm even afraid to go and take a dump, I still haven't got over those ice trolls chasing me out of labyrinthian. I hope things start to get better soon!



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