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Why my achievements looks crowded?


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First, I want to say I'm sorry...

I know this is petty but it bugs me still...

since I've opened an online profile via Dragon Age:Origins All my Achievements looks crowded and with no space between them like this: http://i32.tinypic.com/2h4vrxz.jpg


Offline profile achievements has more space between them and they look a little smaller... [or It just me?]

Anyway... Is there a way to go back to offline profile? simply logging out does not work...



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Not sure what the issue is. Checked out the link you provided, and yours looks about like mine always has, with the white frames and little blank space between badges. On-line has no frame and laid out differently, (but that's HTML for ya'!)


Here's a screenshot of my in-game player profile:





And here's the on-line equivalent:




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Sorry for the late response... but I've finally solved it out with the toolset, that's how achievements look in offline profile:




I just thinks It looks better this way.

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