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Atmospheric Modifications Enhancement Guide


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Hello, some of you may know that I have been making a site that inludes alot of great mods that improve Morrowind. Due to a lack of time, I am going to post the list here so it can be continuly updated by this community.


If you are going to post mods, please post the name, author and a brief description.




A. Beautifying Modification




MW Visual Pack V1.1 Beta

By: Zuldazug. This plugin replace many different textures in the game. Such as, grounds, floors, grass, mud, walls, doors, rocks, cracks, barks and wood, etc...


Landscape Remix 2.0

By: Albedo. This plugin sharpens and replaces a lot of ground and rock textures in the game.




Real Signposts

By: ElBundee. This plugin replaces the original signposts to signposts you can actually read using textures with the names of the locations.


Daedric Signposts

By: Nazz. This plugin replaces the original signposts with Daedric text so that they feel more authentic.


Textured Signs

By: Franzhauer. This plugin replaces the original signposts with a version of Textured Signs that you can actually read.


Textured Signs-Neutral

By: Franzhauer. This plugin replaces the original signposts with a neutral version of Textured Signs plug-in for those who would prefer a more neutral color scheme. The location names in this version are all a neutral yellow-tan color.


Weathered Signs 1.1

By: Voltayre. This plugin changes the unreadable roadsigns to readable weathered roadsigns.


NPC Replacers:======================================


NPC Replace Mod 3.0

By: Motoki. This plugin replaces NPC faces with different but usually similar ones of better quality. Hair will also be replaced in most cases.


Astarsis's Bueaty Packs

By: Astarsis. These plugins replace all the heads and hairs over specific races.


NPC replacer 3.5

By: Zerothehero. This plugin replaces the original heads and hairs in Morrowind with alot of newer and nicer ones.




Improved Gold

By: Raptre. This is a replacement for the currency throughout the game.


Alternate Gold ii

By: Shaded Red. This mod replaces all gold coins and the gold icon in the game with far more realistic and stylish gold. The gold looks far more real, and looks more like treasure.


Gold Gold!

By: Jamie 'AltF8' Carlock. This mod is a variation of Allen R. Dunn's excellent Real Gold Colored Coins mod.


Real Gold Colored Coins

By: Allen R. Dunn. This plugin will change the green gold in the game to a a more gold colored look.




Trees Replacement 0.1 beta

By: ZeroTheHero. This plugin changes a lot af trees and fungus only Bitter Coast region.




B. Sound Modifications


Sound Replacements:======================================


Morrowind Sound Enhancement

By: Leon 'pancreas' Medado. This plugin adds 29 new region-specific ambient sound including birds, crickets, and swamp life. Some of the wind sounds recreate that rustling-in-your-ear effect.


Wilderness SOUNDS mod 3.0

By: The Puma Man. This mod adds wilderness sounds all over the land of Vvardenfell and Solstheim. These sounds alternate according to the time of day and the weather conditions.


Atmospheric Sound Effects 3.0 Update 4

By: Duncan. This mod adds weather effects inside tent, wood, and stone structures. Each type of structure has unique sounds for rain, thunderstorms, and dust/blight storms. Thunderstorms are accompanied by random thunderstrikes and random lightning flashes at windows. Wooden structures creak under the immense wind from dust and blight storms, and tents sound as if they'll blow away with the constant flapping during these storms. Rain and thunderstorms behave naturally with random swells; the rain comes and goes...


Voice Addon's:======================================


Vivec Voice Addon

By: MrTS, Tyana Rie and Miltiades. This plugin adds a real voice to Vivec's dialogue.


Dagoth Gares Voice Addon v1.1

By: MrTS, Tyana Rie and Miltiades. This plugin adds a real voice to Dagoth Gares' dialogue.


Dagoth Ur Voice addon v1.0

By: ?. This plugin adds a real voice to Dagoth Ur's dialogue.



C. Balance Modifications


Game Improvements:======================================


Wakim's game improvements 0.9

By: Qwert. This is a compilation of tweaks which have been posted by Wakim on the forums, in mod format for easier use. These tweaks tend to make Flee AI actually work, balance gameplay, spells, characters, almost everything...


Basic Essentials 1.0

By: Qwert. Adds hunger, thirst and sleep needs via 3 separated mods :.


Dodging mod 1.1

By: Horatio. Unarmored is a pretty awful skill in Morrowind. The maximum AR you can get is 65 - which is far less than you can get with other armor types. Add to this the fact that you're giving up several potential enchantment slots and unarmored look like a pretty stupid choice of defensive skill. The only bonus is that you don't have to worry about lugging around or repair all that armor.


Falling Down 2.01

By: Duncan. This small plugin makes you keep an eye on your fatigue a little closer. You better make sure you have enough fatigue before you go into battle.


Sleep or Suffer 1.1

By: Duncan. This small plugin makes you keep an eye on your fatigue a little closer. You better make sure you have enough fatigue before you go into battle.


Advanced Guards 3

By: The Puma Man. This mod changes all generic guards in the land of Vardenfell to a much more powerful state. Now gaurds in Vvardenfel will be as strong as the ones in Mournhold.


Blood & Gore v2.11

By: TheLys. This mod makes player, other characters and creatures bleed.


Book Rotate 4.5

By: Cydine & Maboroshi Daikon. This plugin adds scripting to every book in the game. It allows you to place books vertically and horizontally wherever you please.


Realistic Colour Config for Morrowind

By: Daerk. Realistic Colour Config for Morrowind (RCC4MW) is applied directly to the Morrowind.ini file, changing some of the defaults for colour, fog, and lighting options.


Light Based Sneaking

By: Vanhikes & qwert_44643. Where light is your enemy and darkens your ally. stay within the shadows and you shall be rewarded, venture into the light and all is lost.


Modman's Windowlights 2.0

By: ModMan. Adds over 1,000 lights to the exterior windows of most houses to light up the nights of Vvardenfell, for an atmospheric effect.


Magic Improvements:======================================


Dynamic Magicka Regeneration 2.0

By: Duncan. This plugin adds a global script to the game which dynamically regenerates the players magicka.


Spellcasting Mod v1.2

By: Horatio. Sleep is now a necessity. If you go too long without sleep, your character is definately going to feel the effects of sleep deprivation.



D. Creature Modifications


Creature Replacer:======================================


Classical Monsters Replacer Beta0.8

By: Zuldazug. This plugin replace 6 creatures, (just the textures), in this version there're the Nix hound, Kagouti, Cliff Racer, Winged Twilight, Ogrim and Daedroth.


Creature Improvements:======================================


Realistic Animal

By: Yanks1343. This plugin makes all of the animals in MW,TRB,BM act more realilistic.


Creature Additions:======================================


The Wilderness Mod

By: The Puma Man. This plugin adds, butterflys, bees, fish, sharks, water nymohs, etc....


Cait's Critters Unleashed 2.0

By: Hoghead. This mod adds normal farm animals all over MW in carefully selected, hand-placed locations. Cait's excellent chickens, roosters, pigs, goats, cows, and steers now also come with a variety of skins for a great deal more diversity.




E. Alchemy Modifications


Alchemy Addon's:======================================


Alchemy Ingredients

By: Srikandi. This plugin adds new ingredients


Alchemy Improvements:======================================


Ultra Light Herbalism

By: Quert. Based on Herbalism by Balor and Korath's Herbalism Minim.


Potion Sorter

By: Srikandi. The original version of Morrowind sorted items in inventory alphabetically according to their internal identifiers. This usually resulted in similar things being sorted together. A patch changed things so that the inventory was sorted alphabetically by display name. This made it much easier to find homemade potions, since they were now sorted by name instead of randomly, but it made it harder to find the built-in potions (e.g. "Bargain Potion of Light"), since they were now sorted by the first word, which usually refers to the quality of the potion.


Please note that I couldn't put every mod here. Thats where all of you come in :)

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This is an excellent idea. I've always liked the Real Signposts and Texures mods (but most don't work on my PC, piece o' pooe).


But are all of these included on the MWS host site? I know some of them are because i've already downloaded them. It would be useful if any of the authors who havent got their mods uploaded should do so, or maybe ask Dark0ne to make a new Sub-Topic for them to go under.


Cool idea tho :D

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  • 1 month later...
I've something to add to that. First is the recently released lighting mod named (Guess...) The Lighting Mod... Next is a tree enhancement mod that is currently in an open beta and replaces nearly all the trees in the Ascadian Isles region with larger, more detailed trees that actually have falling leaves. It is avaliable for download via a link at the bottom of this page. The modder version contains extra meshes and textures that the project is presumably going to use in other regions.
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  • 8 months later...


NPC Schedules by Helios, which adds scripts so that NPCs go to their homes and lock their doors at night.

Better Bodies 2.0, which replaces the rather ugly segmented bodies of Vvardenfell's residents with smoother appendages and such.

Morrowind Additions Revamped by M6n6M6(Derek), which adds just tons and tons of wildlife and items to the game.

Complete Morrowind, which allows you to do such mundane things as cook and make small fires.

Dremora Armor Drop, which will allow you to get certain Daedric items from the slaughtered bodies of Dremora and Dremora Lords.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks yanks1343


You know it would be really nice if you could package all those MODS into one Zip and One File ... named Atmospheric Enhancements.


And don't forget Survial & Thirst... which adds eating, fishing, hunting, skinning, etc. to the game which rocks!


Then you can just have one file to download and install for Morrowind.


Oh and how about the Volcano Dagoth Ur erupting...


Just my two cents...



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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure what you mean, Hermy. If you are referring to a particular link, much of this thread is over a year old and things may have changed. If you are saying you can't find the recommended mods on our database it could be that they are not there. Try Morrowind Summit, Gamer's Roam and Thelys sites as well.
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  • 2 years later...


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