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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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The problem with converting to DM from DMRA (or vise-versa) is that it requires re-drawing the meshes. Making existing suits BBB compatible isn't that hard (when the meshes load into blender without needing some work anyway) once you have weight-painted breasts and can then use that torso to make other armor/clothes with the same build bounce with some blender work.


I would really like to make some of my own evil-looking but revealing (and bouncy!) armor in various sizes to upload but I can't draw which is a major problem. I was thinking of trying to grab some public-domain gimp images and textures to try it out once I get more comfortable with blender, but it looks daunting to me right now.

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The problem with converting to DM from DMRA (or vise-versa) is that it requires re-drawing the meshes. Making existing suits BBB compatible isn't that hard (when the meshes load into blender without needing some work anyway) once you have weight-painted breasts and can then use that torso to make other armor/clothes with the same build bounce with some blender work.


I would really like to make some of my own evil-looking but revealing (and bouncy!) armor in various sizes to upload but I can't draw which is a major problem. I was thinking of trying to grab some public-domain gimp images and textures to try it out once I get more comfortable with blender, but it looks daunting to me right now.


I know it was a tall order for anyone to do, keep up the good works guys! :thumbsup:

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The next guy who post a request when the requests are closed I will refuse all of his requests even when te requests will re-open !


That was the last warning !


I'm a friendly guy in general but I really hate people who take me for a dog, OK ?


PS : emlnxrh : not only you post a request when the requests are closed, but you also ask for a conversion from a body to another... and if you read the rules on the first page : I DON'T MAKE BODY CONVERSION !


Agent Smith will come and kick your ass...

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Is it possible to do the DMRA without the RA? The ass always looked too big =/


The Double Melons nude body without the big ass exists, look here :




But I don't know if you will find a lot of armors... and if you ask to convert all the DMRA stock for DM... NO WAY ! :laugh: ( well, when I see the DMRA armors "greaves", maybe the simple DM body bottom will fit... hey you know what ? I will try. If I just have to replace the bottom it will be quickly made. I don't really like the round ass too. ^^ )

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I've had some luck with the micro-mini bikini for DM. I'll hopefully have it tested out and posted later today after I get some stuff done around the house.
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