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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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Haha ^^. Don't worry, I almost finished to convert previous requested armors and the Requests will re-open soon. Maybe tomorrow... :whistling:
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Oooh. You work fast! You take your time though. I've got the scoundrel armour now so I'll be happy for at least a week now. :D


Since you're here, do you do clothing replacement mods? The reason I ask is because there are TONS of meshes in them and I'm sure it would probably take days (if not weeks) to do all of them.


Thanks again. You are my legend of the day.

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I did the DMRA clothing stock, and DMRA armor stock too ^^. It doesn't really took a long time but the meshes were corrupted and Salamander8 helped me to fix them. On a simple armor, a conversion take 10 minutes ^^. But a lot of mods contain different size versions and different colors. This can take time.
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Wow. Well then I was worried for no reason. I look forward to being allowed to post my request. You may regret your kindness though. Hehe. :devil:
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Some of the DMRA meshes took a lot of work to fix between Saaya and I. Most of them are done right now. I think only the robes and the SI clothing (SI armor is done) remain.
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Well hopefully that won't be the case with mine. Can;t promise anything though, and if it does turn out to be far too much work (as I suspect it might) then I promise not to cry too much if you decide not to do it. I did a quick count and it looks like there are 50 odd meshes (omg!! wth!!) so, yeah....
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Okay Saaya. As per your rules I am the creator of Rosana and would like to request a BBB conversion. This is an ANCIENT mod and my first and only, release. I would do it myself, but my blender won't work, even with repeated reinstallations. I may eventually find some version combo between nifscope, python and blender that will work, but until then could you try some bone weight copy magic? I am not even sure what body type I used anymore, but I think it was the original Exnem, circa 2007. Quite a few modders have carried this outift farther in their own creations and a conversion I could easily snap into those other mods.



I also was converting Lineage 2 stuff at one time. Since you like Draconic so much, I could upload a special underwear set I made if you like. It is the Dark Elf female from that game, black with gold inlays.

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Mmmmmh yeah that's an Exnem body... would be cool if you could convert it for HGEC ^^ ( oh yeah right Blender doesn't works... ). If not I can wheight it like that, but I don't think that a lot of people still use this body...


EDIT : hey, as you are a modder ( or an ex-modder at least ^^ ) you could maybe explain me something. On some armors I found black polys ( I think they are inversed normal polys, they don't apprear ingame ) overimposed on the other meshes... I took a look at your mesh and :




4 parts are twins, 4 normal meshes superimposed with 4 identical black meshes with inversed normals. This is totally useless I think. I don't know if it's a mistake a lot of modders do, or maybe a tutorial told you to do this... but these black parts are only visible if we are "inside" the body.


Here it's not a problem I can easely separate the black polys and I can delete them ^^.

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