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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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Mmmmmh yeah that's an Exnem body... would be cool if you could convert it for HGEC ^^ ( oh yeah right Blender doesn't works... ). If not I can wheight it like that, but I don't think that a lot of people still use this body...


EDIT : hey, as you are a modder ( or an ex-modder at least ^^ ) you could maybe explain me something. On some armors I found black polys ( I think they are inversed normal polys, they don't apprear ingame ) overimposed on the other meshes... I took a look at your mesh and :




4 parts are twins, 4 normal meshes superimposed with 4 identical black meshes with inversed normals. This is totally useless I think. I don't know if it's a mistake a lot of modders do, or maybe a tutorial told you to do this... but these black parts are only visible if we are "inside" the body.


Here it's not a problem I can easely separate the black polys and I can delete them ^^.


Yes, yes...too true quite useless. I flipped the normals a couple of times during creation and quite obviously duplicated them. My main concern was that from some angles, you can see the outfit interior, especially where the cups cradle the breast and the outer layer overlaps the skintight one. I didn't want to have an invisible mesh syndrome. Rather than dupe the mesh, I think I made those faces double sided. In true noobish fashion, the whole thing went seriously overtime and I released it unoptimized. :confused: Some modders cut away body parts that are never seen also to cut down on polys, but I didn't. Live and learn, eh?


As for the body being used anymore, the outfit has been converted to UFF but I am not sure about HGEC. I know Apachi Goddess has at least ONE evolution of it... I will try to get my blender working and convert this to something more modern...perhaps Manga or DMRA. Then it should be worthy of your jedi jiggles!


BTW thanks Saaya! I DL everything you do and have no time to install or play all of them, but you are a wicked awesome djinn conjuring converted fashions faster than they are created!!!


Now back to our regularly scheduled Requests Thread! :laugh:

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I can convert it for Exnem if you want. It's not a problem. Just tell me if you prefer that I wait for a new version or not.


Please convert it if it's easy enough, say 5 minutes? If more than copy script is required, that is, should you run into trouble just forget it. I actually just messed around with lowering my resolution a bit and blender is working again!! Hahaha!! Tell me do you think this outfit should be remade for HGEC E-Cup or DMRA? Hmmm?


Oh and BTW those Lineage 2 Undies were for this body also, so I guess I should remake them too. Would go well with Draconic. Did you know someone once did the Imperial Crusader set from Lineage 2 also?


I just got off work and now have to go do some other work... :wacko: mod time later!


Thank you Saaya!

Edited by Abovewolf
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As I don't have a preweighted exnem body I will manually paint it. I'm a bit bored with this copy script, it's always the same thing, run the script, wait, rune the script, wait, export, wait... :sick: Sometimes I prefer to do it with my hands ^^.


Yeah if you can convert it, do it. Don't care about the size ^^. But if you have time to re-paint the textures too, could be cool. They look little bit "unrealistic".




SG Button and Stringsuits H cup released



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Queens Armory released








As I think that converting Furu Furu armor is useless, eXoduis asked me to convert this mod ^^.

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