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Oh, come on, it has plenty of information...


Chaos is a mod for Morrowind. It has puzzles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 included in the Alpha version. There are also three more islands, Chaos, Chaos City, Chaos Mountain, Chaos Town, Final Boss, Chaos Knights, and some sort of script.


No useful information... Tsh... Shows what you know...


If you get two people on board for quest work, I could handle some scripting and exterior planning type work...

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Yes, at absolute minimum, you need to have a fairly detailed description of your project, and preferably the exact things you need from people. Might be hard to believe this, but us editors don't have an infinite supply of free time, just desperately looking for anything to work on. You're trying to get a lot of effort from people, so you should at least tell them why they should be interested in it!
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I need someone to:

Make an interior for a keep, and other buildings I havn't finished yet

Someone to give me quest ideas.

A village, Chaos Village, has fallen under the shadow of the mountain of Chaos, Chaos City Keep has been beseiged by the evil Lord Chaos, who the mt. was named for. The legend says the only the sword at the top of the mt. can destroy him but with the power comes a cost...

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