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Fade Function in Scripting


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I remember quite a while coming across a function to fade an object out. Directly after fading the script disabled it, making it appear as though it faded away from existence. This was quite a few years ago at a time I had no experience with scripting and never ever was able to make it work how I wanted it back then. The thing is back then I didn't really need it, just would have been nice. Now, however, I do need it, and I can't find it.


I looked in the Cs.Elderscrolls.com and searched all the functions and variables and everything and can not find this function. I know it exists and I know it works as even though the script I pulled it from and tried to manipulate didn't work, the script that it originated from did. I have no idea what the script was and am unwilling to look through all those hundreds of scripts to find an example of this one, and potentially barely used function.


If anyone knows how to make this fade thing work, which works in conjunction with a timer, can you please either tell me where the hell to find it or write me a quickie example script? Some quick thing like a timer that fades the object for 5 seconds and then disables it. I don't even need the begin, scriptname, or anything other than the direct segment. Credit will be given in the mod description that I'm making.


I won't say HOW I'm going to use this as I want to ensure that the proof-of-concept originality is protected (I'm paranoid like this always. ALWAYS! lol. Not that I don't trust the community, I just don't trust myself...(<.< ) ( >.>) (<.< ) ( >.>)


That is not supposed to make sense. I will say that it is being used in a mod that makes two.


A big torture the adoring fan kind of mod that I will edit once complete to make my Personal Torture Chamber (Girl?) Version 2.0. I forget the name. It was such a long time ago.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Crap, I don't have Frostcrag Spires anymore on my computer. I remember checking the scripting for the companions there, that's where the thing is. I think it was saa or pms or something.


I think SAA is SetActorAlpha, might be it.

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Nevermind. Unfortunately, Uber, you happened to be absolutely correct. I believe now that the "fade" segment was a replacement reference, not the actual function. Thank you. Okay, NOW please lock this thread. I was expecting this to take an hour to figure out as my internet is extremely iffy, and more often than not every page I load crashes the link for a few minutes before I can continue. Very annoying. Thank god it wasn't so bad this time.


Thank you again very much Ub3rman. Too bad I'm currently working on a different mod that absolutely doesn't nee... I think I just figured out a cool way to use this in the mod I'm working on :D The one I didn't originally intend to use it on. Also a good way to test out how well it makes the affects.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



Kudos, unless I already have in the past, if not, then expect a kudos number up.

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