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Need Help With A Script


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Is there any way to write a script which will force an NPC to wear something in the tail slot (like a cape)


Is the cape set to use the tail slot or is it set to use UpperBody and you're trying to make it use the tail slot instead?



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I just tested having an NPC equip a tail item and they did so without problem. Here's what I did:


1) I duplicated Black Robe as TailCape and edited the Biped Objects so that only Tail was selected.

2) I created a script which tests to see if TailCape is equipped and if not, equip it.

3) I added TestCape to Simplicia the Slow's inventory and added the above script to her.

4) I saved the mod, added it under Data Files, and loaded Oblivion. Simplicia was wearing the cape over her existing beggar's clothes.


Here is the script:


scn TailCapeScript

ref self

Begin GameMode
set self to GetSelf
if self.getequipped TailCape == 0
	self.additem TailCape 1
	self.equipitem TailCape


Hopefully this helps with whatever issue you're having.



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You always seem to be there to help with any problem. Do you live on this board?


Actually I open it in a browser tab in the evenings and leave it open. When not playing a game I'll check it every once in a while to see if anything new is posted. Lately I've been working on a few spells for my mod and am pulling my hair out trying to make them work so I haven't checked it much. Hopefully I'll get them completed this weekend and get v1.3 released.



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