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Building a better boss battle


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would it be possible (im not a good modder) to set parameters within the cell for co-ordinates, then move it to a random set with a cool particle effect as cover up? or set up pre-determined locations and some kind of script to decide most appropriate?
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Possibly. It'd be easier, now that I think about it, to place a large number of xmarkers around the area, each with a variable in the name, then use the random numbers function to pick a random one of them, give the beast a quick effect shader, and set it towards the player again.


One of the ideas I'm playing with now is when the city the demon is fought under was being sunk through the ground, like in a large divine-inspired earthquake. Does anyone know how to make it seem like the world is slowly sinking? Is that even possible?

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scripted cave ins, rock fall traps, maybe some really tall buildings going through the floor and ceiling that have an effect that makes the texture look like its moving down? screen shaking and cracking sounds? basically a lot of smoke and mirrors that keep you from concentrating too long on anything



edit: dont forget dust! particle effect dust

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Hmm.. That will definitely take a load of work in learning how to animate and do things like that. Guess I'll have to keep it simple and just put in rock falls and use the Kvatch collapse animations.


Meantime, anyone know how to raise the water level in a cell slowly to emulate a sinking ship?

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