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3D Studio Max and DA Model scale


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Hello there fellow modders!


I'm trying to create a sword for DA in 3DSM, but can't get the scale to work. In game it's absolutely HUGE and floats around in the sky like an alien ship. I can't find out how to scale it down to the correct size. I have the dragon age export/import tools for 3DSM ofc, but I cannot find an option for scale (I make the model apropriatly sized in the 3dsm measures)

Also it does not align in game, it's skewed to the wrong side and has problems attaching itself to the characters hands etc.


ALSO ( ;D ) the textures wont apply themselves so that it has a mirror texture in game.


These are the major issues that i'm battling right now and I would be superduper happy if someone could help me out with this or direct me to a nice tutorial on the subject (Have not been able to find any).


Don't have time to write a novel about this at the moment, so I made it as informative as I could :P



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Well, I'm afraid that I cant help you out any with 3dsmax or the alignments and such. I havent been able to figure out 3dsmax or 3d progs in general, really.

But the scaling, I can help you out with, if you want to give it a go with DaTool. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/article.php?id=41


Now, the difference HERE with what you're doing, is that you will need to put all your custom files into the SAME Folder that DAtool is installed in, or else it won't read them. You'll also need to have each of these files in there.... and some of them probly wont be generated by 3dsmax, so you'll need to create the mod in the toolset and have the files that were generated by that. The DA tool will tell you which files are missing. Cant find so and so. So you will have to put those into the folder with datool.


There was a thread about this here- there was a thread about this here- http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/223315-3ds-max-weapon-scaling/ but it's not full detail :(

Now, I dont know if Toloc found the coordinates solution or not. But I would think that maybe you could copy those from another sword mesh? (but again, I dunno anything about 3d modelling). You could post in there, and if he sees it and has it worked out, maybe he would post on his solution? (I dont recommend bothering him directly in a pm, just cuz some folks dont like that).

But anyway, Good luck, and hope you can get it sorted out, as I always love to see all new weapons and gear being created.


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I think you specify the item scale in the import/export plugin setup... preferably to 1. and you need to resetXform your weapon mesh in order for it to "define" it's size, rotation and etc.. Im not too sure but i think thats how it is.
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