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shhh :P You gonna make krimzin cry :(


I suppose it's better than some other type of DRM...but still pointless.


Making krimzin cry wasn't my intent, I thought he ought to know before buying the game


& yes, I agree it is pointless

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That is very sad. I might cry. Of course, it was said FO3 needed GFWL. Thank God it didn't. I wonder if it's only necessary for tracking achievements and such. I really don't give a [insert random expletive] about those. And even so, Steam is still better than GFWL lol. It's like they tried to port Xbox live to pc after a major head injury and let their 3 year old come up with a few new features.
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Nah, New Vegas uses Steamworks - which is a combination of community services, achievement tracking, and invasive DRM, all bundled into one convenient package :D And Steamworks requires Steam to run, so it will be required.


Re. Impulse: I quite like it tbh. While I agree the software has a way to go before it matches Steam, it is much less invasive (don't need it running to play games, most of the time), the license is a LOT better (ie. you are actually purchasing a license to play each game, unlike Steam where you're purchasing a subscription - the terms of which mean Valve can do whatever they like (including ban you totally), whenever they like, whyever they like, and you have no rights at all), and the company behind it, Stardock, are definitely someone I want to support. They're one of the few companies who still support DRM-free, PC exclusive, games.

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I was trying to play L4D2 the other day and Steam kept crashing for no reason, I never saw it resolved until a few days later. I also couldn't find any servers even though I had no internet connection issues. But hey, it's free. :P
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