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A little theory i have...


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OK. here is a small little theory of a noob at modding. say you want to have races based on the creatures around you. for example, if you have shivering isles, why not hav a grummite race that looks exactly like the ones in the wild? well, if my small little noob theoory is correct, anyone can! this is a noob, wanting to ask: since all npcs and stuff have some sort of meshes and textures and scripts in them, can't you just switch around the sounds, meshes, textures, and the like for what you want? it would be a hilarious sort of twisted game... like goblins starting out, and u fight imperials in the tutorial level? i was wondering if it would be twisted like that. please reply. thank you,


Larry Lycanson AKA Larry Lizardman AKA Grummite Fan

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Well, most creatures are only one mesh, thus unable to be created into races UNLESS someone decides to seperate them, like I think AlienSlof did for his awesome Xixavili race (i have no clue if I spelled it right). Grummites are one mesh I believe, and cannot be made into a race easily. But starting out as a goblin and fighting imperials in the tutorial would be quite a messed up version of the game, but pretty funny! The Imperial part of that is very easy to do, I'm not too sure about the goblin part though.
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Well, most creatures are only one mesh, thus unable to be created into races UNLESS someone decides to seperate them, like I think AlienSlof did for his awesome Xixavili race (i have no clue if I spelled it right). Grummites are one mesh I believe, and cannot be made into a race easily. But starting out as a goblin and fighting imperials in the tutorial would be quite a messed up version of the game, but pretty funny! The Imperial part of that is very easy to do, I'm not too sure about the goblin part though.


Lord Frostcraig, to keep you from committing a 'four-paw' (as we rabbits call it) Ms. Alienslof is indeed a woman.




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hey guys and gals and rabbits, thanksw for the replys. if i could switch scalons/grummites out for argonians, that would be fun! theey are already amphibious humanooids, and i believe that the scalon isnt a single mesh. so, if any expert modders are reading my topic, please take my pleas into action. i would be forever in your debt.sincerely,


Larry Lycanson AKA Larry Lizardman AKA Grummite fan


lol, now that i think about it, the scalon would be pretty cool. hehehe. but then, if the mod gets popular, the demanding public would want stuff like skills and stuff. that wouldnt be much of a problem. just a small bit of renaming, and boom. instant new skill. then, a small 3 point regen attribute shouldnt be that hard to add. well, good luck in all of your travels fellow travellers. P.S. Shadow hide you, fellow thieves guild members.

Edited by LarryLycan
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im glad to see others like it. perhaps i could get some expert modders to help out with this idea? i know that since AlienSlof has done an xcellent Xiliavi or whatever it was called mod, maybe she would like to help me in my mission. anyone else think that she might fit in a Scalon/Grummite race mod for us? reply your answer.
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Truth be told AlienSlof is very unpredictable^^ maybe you should PM her and ask her very nicely..she is a stickler for respect^^ just ask nicely and she may do it^^ :thumbsup:
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ok. if anyone knows of multi meshed creatures that could be meshswapped with a playable race and be suitable, please post it on this thread. thank you all. i wwill get to work tomorrow on any replys/reccomendations. and pray for the best that AlienSlof replys too!
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This just in! i got a reply from AlienSlof herself! this is what she said:


"It would possibly be doable, but it would require a new head, which I can't do myself. I made the playable Xivilai because I wanted to play as one - I think they're sexy great brutes! However, currently, I have no great desire to play as a grummite or gobbo! I do have a grummite outfit somewhere that I never released. It's for Robert's male and female bodies, but I had plans at some point to add them to a grummite's death items for the player to pick up and wear. Just need to get around to sorting it. So yeah, while it's doable, it's not something I'd wish to do right now. :)"


i sent her a reply about asking if i could be the first testerr for the grummite outfit. pray for the best! Sincerely,


Larry Lycanson AKA Larry Lizardman AKA Grummitefan

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