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Lore-based Bonemold Crafting Extension


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In the in-game books "Bone, Part I" and "Bone, Part II", we learn the dark, grisly origin of bonemold armour - bone, taken from the bodies of fallen warriors, ground and crafted with resin into plates. This got me to thinking...


In the various ruins, caves, and dungeons throughout Skyrim, there are already skeletons, either lying around or walking about waiting to be smacked apart. Why not put them to good use? Find a pile of bones, take it to an alchemy table and grind up some bonemeal. Knock a skeleton over the head, then pick up the pieces. Craft your bonemold the way it was originally done!


Also, in Bone, Part II, those whose bones were used returned as squelching, slithering, boneless ghouls seeking to reclaim that which was taken from them...but that's a story for another mod. :wink:

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Can you clarify what you wanted for the first part? Not the boneless ooze monsters but the crafting of it. :tongue:


If you want a different crafting recipe that wouldn't be too hard. Could also be unlocked with that book, or able to use them only with the book in your inventory.

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Ah, yeah, that was a little vague, wasn't it?


Well, there are mods that add things like skulls and organs to corpses, maybe something like that could be implemented to add bones? And the skeletons and piles of bones lying around could be turned into misc items that can be picked up.


Those items can then be turned into bonemeal by being taken to...Iunno, an alchemy station makes the most sense because it has a mortar & pestle, but those are for potion crafting, and bonemeal isn't a potion hahaha.

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