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Hall of Manakins

zac dorkus

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This should be pretty simple to make, I am looking for a long, narrow hallway with lots of mannequin, or dummies, or whatever they are called in Fallout 3, along each wall to show off my many sets of armor- I keep rubbish sets of armor just for trophies (Maybe 20 manakins along each wall?). I downloaded the mini-hideout mod but there were only a few mannequins in there, most of my armor had to be hidden away in a locker.


No exterior needed, can just be an underground tunnel. Maybe a few storage containers aswell for some junk items.


I have no specific requests for where in the Fallout 3 wastland the entrance should be, wherever is easiest for the modder.


I understand that this probably wont be the most popular of mods, it's more of a personal request for me than a suggestion for the whole modding community.



Zac Dorkus.


Edit: Yes I just realized I spelt the title wrong. I think it's supposed to be mannequin.

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Mannequins lets you place your own mannequins around, and dress them up to boot! Have a go at that first.


EDIT; I realize now it only gives 8 of each gender, but if you want more just do his trick;


All you people who want more follow these instructions. Go to the file you downloaded find the esp copy that esp out of the folder and place it temporarily onto your desktop. rename the esp to Mannequin2.esp and place the newly renamed esp into your fallout/data folder place it under Mannequin.esp this gives you 16 more. want another 16 after that rename the esp to Mannequin3.esp and place it under Mannequin.esp and Mannequin2.esp in your fallout/data folder and so on. When you go to buy them from whoever in the game you will see 2 or 3 seperate ones depending on how many .esps you made buy all of them there are 8 males each and 8 females each per .esp
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