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FX Activator problems, moving activators wont appear ingame


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Well, it seems i have a activator problem.


In CS beneath activator i putted vanilla FXTwinkleLights and FXCloudThick and Thin into my dungeon. But it only appear under havok turned on when im in CS. Ingame they dont want to appear.


WTH.??? Does somebody know this problem. Under "vaults of the ayleids mod" on the nexus you can see what i mean. Ive putted TWINKLE LIGHTS next to the skeleton guy by the crystal. It wont appear. Only static clouds without movement work. ?????????????????????????????

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I really have no idea what could be the problem. I have one time created a dungeon with two levels. In the first level the all appear without problems, but in the second level they didnt appear anymore.


Sounds like some other animation problem. Maybe the cell must be reloaded and tested within the CS??? I have no clue.



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The activators dont seem to be collision sensitive, or in size variable.


I could be the editor reference. I don't get it...


Ive looked in the other ayleid ruins where they are widely used and nothing seems to keep them from spawning these twinkling light. The same goes for the FXThick & Thin gas clouds(Small clouds also).


It only affect animated activators. All other statics are rendering fine.


Damn i need some potato salad... :/

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i will try the last one out when im home. I have killed all ambient light but the visibility is 3500units in the editor.


It should work because the nifmodel for the activator has a emissive color and its applied as Highlight, not modulate in nif.

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I think im close to resolve the problem. It seems that a zone trigger needs to be activated.


But im not really sure in what way or does it need a certain reference of the activator. Anyway at some point they seem to activate, and in others they dont.


Still looking for it...

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