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Slow download speeds? Please use our Download Speed Diagnoser


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I fully believe in supporting people who work hard, especially when they are working hard to provide a service to the public. And, you guys at Nexus are providing a great service to the public. There is no better place to find a wider collection of mods for moddable games on the Internet, as far as I've been able to find. And, I'm sure that you guys are working your -bleeeps- off right now with this CDN problem. For that, I thank you. But...


...I don't really understand the idea behind the "CDN". For all I know, it was a very good "IDEA". But it doesn't seem to be working out very well. Instead of making things better, it seems to be making things worse. Perhaps it needs a little more work on the drawing board before it's tested on the general population? The inmates seem to be getting restless. ;P


I know you guys are trying to make life easier. But this one isn't working out so well.


I feel for ya.

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First of all, thank you guys, you do a hell of a work there with the nexus !


I got an issue about downloading mods. When I pick a heavy mod (i.e. the latest T3ndos) the download just stops at 99% and won't finish. Even downloading it manually just doesn't do anything better...


Edit : the download speed stays the same as if it was keeping on dowloading.


I guess there might be an answer.


Thank you for the work once again ;)

Edited by TenguSennin
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In response to post #19863889. #19937979 is also a reply to the same post.

If you need that you should seriously look into Mod Organizer. Downloadable on the nexus actually. Better than NMM ever has been. Innumerable features and customizations that NMM does not have. In your case, you are able to have profiles that have separate mod loads, load orders, ini files, save games attached to them, and the best part: instant "install" times and profile changes. It's fantastic. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/?
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I have to disagree with comments saying the nexus is the best mod site, due to what ive been hearing about all the banned mod authers, and the fact that the nexus is the most unstable modsite i use most of the Time. but it is a good site, just needs to support a option to allow a semi bann, where a member that is banned can still use the site but cant comment ever again. insatead of Deleting good needed mods and Destroying so many much needed Things that those banned authors had worked so hard to make and give to us moders are leaving the entire community and switching to console gaming and making pc gaming look unfair and not Better than buying a console becouse of all the lost good mods and authors over all the banning. It makes it look like this site dont realy care about improving Games and providing mods to improve games and just cares about making money from ads while being Feared by its users. Most are even afraid to comment on a mod having bugs due to fear of breaking the rules. Other than that this site would be the best and i would buy a premium membership and donate every month to help out. but im afraid of breaking the rules geting banned and loosing all access to the site after spending money. I cant even use my freinds computer because he was banned for being stressed out and poping off, even though he appoligized a houre after his comment. and im afraid id be banned for being his freind and using his system to browse this site when i spend the night at his house. so i can not say this site is the best, but i would love to see this site become the Best modsite out there. ill probaly be banned for this comment and if i am it just proves that what im hearing on loverslab and steam workshop is true. i hope those rumors are not all true, my grammer is not really good by the way due to my add and adhd, im 30 years old and trying to get through my last year of colleage with theese issues too, so please exuse my grammer.
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I've been using NexusMods for a while and I really enjoy how you guys have set everything up; 3rd party official software, easy navigation, brilliant interfaces and designated colour schemes for the games. It's truly outstanding.


I am an Australian resident, operating in New South Wales, and I'm having some troubles with the new CDN change. Unfortunately, my speeds have quartered and I'm finding it rather difficult to cope. Many times when I download larger files (EG: 400MB - 1000MB), the download will completely drop somewhere through it and I will be forced to restart the download, with or without the Mod Manager provided from Nexus them self.


I absolutely adore your website and the amazing things I can do to my games, I certainly hope the problems with CDN can be fixed or managed.


Suggestion: Perhaps allow authors to run their mods off a torrent link as well? That way, it will generate less server strain and users with faulty internet will be able to start and pause downloads as they please.


Thank you for reading :)

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In response to post #20056889.


You shouldn't be afraid of getting banned for making that comment. As long as things are civil and constructive, and not bashing/trolling/flaming, you should be fine.

As far as I can tell, we haven't really removed any mod (apart from those that break the rules, i.e ripped/stolen content, or by request of the banned author) for quite some time now. We do genuinely care about modding and the modding community, and that is why we strive to keep things clean and civil. You have to understand that a lot of what you read from banned people on other sites tend to be pretty one-sided, and does not include all the details. We are extremely transparent when it comes to bans, so if you are questioning an action, you can simply check out the reasoning behind a ban in the ban threads.

And your grammar is fine by the way. :thumbsup:

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Adding to Zaldiir's response, let me say that no one has to be afraid of being banned for making any comment that is respectful and polite.

But as you yourself said, your "friend" was banned for failing to observe that simple rule.


The Nexus is not the public square. There is no "right to free speech" here. It is Dark0ne's private site to which he invites 8 million others.

And because he enforces some simple rules of behaviour and courtesy, the Nexus is able to host those 8 million people relatively peaceably.

The few who can't follow those simple rules are removed quickly, and with extreme prejudice.

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