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MMM- feathers not becoming shafts


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basically what the title says.


been playing oblivion with full fcom and a variety of other mods for almost 2 years with a single character across 2 computers and multiple os installs, but have not been able to use feathers for fletching at all during this time.


on a previous install/character the feathers had worked and i believe everything was installed the same way, so i dont know what the problem is and have yet to find any sort of solution on the internet, tho have run across a few cases of people complaining about a similar problem. sooo anyone have any idea whats wrong or how i could fix it?

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I have the fletching tool, i click the feathers, and nothing happens. it pauses for like half a second like when i click anything that doesnt have an effect, but it stays a feather.


and wasnt sure what the feathers were supposed to turn into, thought it was shafts but havent used em in so long i kinda forgot, guess they become the flights then.


Anyway to just spawn some flights if theres no way to fix my feather problem?

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